A summary of your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act is also being provided to you with this form. The Fair Credit Reporting Act gives you specific rights in dealing with consumer reporting agencies. You will find these rights summarized on A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act and A Summary of Your Rights Under the Provisions of California Civil Code Section 1786.22 for California residents
If you live or work for the Company in the states listed below, please note the following:
CALIFORNIA: You may view the file that the Background Check Company has for you, and order a copy of the file, upon submitting proper identification and paying copying costs, by coming to their offices, during normal business hours and on reasonable notice, or by certified mail or mail. You may also ask for a file-summary by telephone. The Background Check Company can answer questions about information in your file, including any coded information. If you come in person, another person can come with you, so long as that person can show proper identification.
MAINE: If you ask us, you have the right to know whether the Company ordered an investigative consumer report on you. You may request the name, address, and telephone number of the nearest office for the Background Check Company. You will get this information within 5 business days of our receipt of your request. You have the right to ask the Background Check Company for a free copy of the report.
MARYLAND: If the Company obtains credit history information on you, it will be used to evaluate whether you would present an unacceptable risk of theft or other dishonest behavior in the job for which you are being considered.
MASSACHUSETTS/NEW JERSEY: If you submit a request to us in writing, you have the right to know whether the Company ordered an investigative consumer report from the Background Check Company. You may inspect and order a free copy of the report by contacting the Background Check Company.
MINNESOTA: If you submit a request to us in writing, you have the right to get from the Company a complete and accurate disclosure of the nature and scope of the consumer report or investigative consumer report ordered, if any.
NEW YORK: If you submit a request to us in writing, you have the right to know whether the Company ordered a consumer report or an investigative consumer report from the Background Check Company, and you will be provided with the name and address of the Background Check Company. You may inspect and order a free copy of the reports by contacting the Background Check Company. By signing below, you certify you have received a copy of Article 23A of the New York Correction Law is being provided with this form.
OREGON: If the Company obtains credit history information on you, it will be used to evaluate whether you would present an unacceptable risk of theft or other dishonest behavior in the job for which you are being considered.
WASHINGTON STATE: If you submit a request to us in writing, you have the right to get from the Company a complete and accurate disclosure of the nature and scope of the investigative consumer report we ordered, if any. You also have the right to ask the Background Check Company for a written summary of your rights under the Washington Fair Credit Reporting Act. If the Company obtains information bearing on your credit worthiness, credit standing or credit capacity, it will be used to evaluate whether you would present an unacceptable risk of theft or other dishonest behavior in the job for which you are being considered.