ARTICLE V. AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION This Constitution may only be amended by two thirds (2/3) vote of the total registered Assembly majority vote at the Annual Convention. Proposed amendments must be submitted to Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer not later than three months prior to the Annual Convention. All proposed amendments shall be submitted to this Assembly no later than two months prior to the Annual Convention. Before forwarding, the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer; may review proposed amendments and make recommendations to the Assembly regarding whether the amendment is in order and promote the purpose of "Articles of Confederation Trucking Union" to advocate for the interests of all. Consideration of Constitutional amendments shall take priority over any other business during Annual Conventions. Oath of Office Article VI. Any officer elected or appointed shall (accept, swear, or affirm) the following Oath of Office: 1. If an officer elected or appointed choses they may enter with a letter of acceptance only stating they have read, comprehended and agreed to the terms and duties of the office. "I, "Full Name" do solemnly (accept, swear, or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the duties and responsibilities of (office) for "Articles of Confederation Trucking Union" for The American First Republic in The United States of America, and will to the best of my Ability, protect the honorof American First Republic in The United States of America and defend the Articles of Association 1776-1781-Present as amended 03/06/2022. I will defend The American First Republic in The United States of America against all hostile foreign and domestic powers.
Article VII. Any officer elected or appointed shall enter the following letter of acceptance I, "Full Name" hereby duly claim the office of the "Articles of Confederation Trucking Union" for The American First Republic in The United States of America, and do hereby accept and acknowledge the said position, duties and responsibilities and will faithfully fulfill the aforesaid, I have read and comprehend the oath of aforesaid office and I hereby, agree to the terms and duties of the office while operating the office; on this 4 th month and this 10 th day of the year 2022,"
The foregoing Constitution and By-Laws are hereby adopted and ratified by the people in Bilateral Social Compact Agreement by and between the people of The American First Republic in The United States of America, and shall be published in a publication of record by The American First Republic Press
or another approved publication by this assembly majority vote. The foregoing Constitution and By-Laws are hereby adopted, ratified, and published in the following publication of record The American First Republic Press
or another approved publication by this assembly majority vote. As of "04/10/2022" the following Office Holders are: Chairman; Joe Teske by Letter Accepted oath Deputy Chairman: Joshua Eddy by Letter Accepted oath Secretary; Sean Beller by Sworn Oath Treasurer; Neil Cornett by Letter Accepted oath