Manager Report - Sugarland Run
Date of Review:
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Sugarland Run Address:
100 Milky Way Drive
101 Milky Way Drive
101 Sugarland Drive
102 Lemon Drop Circle
102 Milky Way Drive
102 Sweet Tart Lane
103 Lemon Drop Circle
103 Milky Way Drive
103 Sugarland Drive
103 Sweet Tart Lane
104 Lemon Drop Circle
104 Milky Way Drive
104 Sweet Tart Lane
105 Lemon Drop Circle
105 Milky Way
105 Sugarland Drive
105 Sweet Tart Lane
106 Gumdrop Path
106 Lemon Drop Circle
106 Milky Way
106 Sweet Tart Lane
107 Gumdrop Path
107 Lemon Drop Circle
107 Milky Way Drive
107 Sugarland Drive
107 Sweet Tart Lane
108 Gumdrop Path
108 Lemon Drop Circle
108 Sweet Tart Lane
109 Gumdrop Path
109 Lemon Drop Circle
109 Milky Way Drive
109 Sugarland Drive
109 Sweet Tart Lane
110 Lemon Drop Circle
110 Milky Way Drive
110 Sweet Tart Lane
111 Gumdrop Path
111 Lemon Drop Circle
111 Milky Way Drive
111 Sweet Tart Lane
112 Lemon Drop Circle
112 Sweet Tart Lane
113 Gumdrop Path
113 Lemon Drop Circle
113 Milky Way Drive
114 Lemon Drop Circle
114 Milky Way Drive
115 Lemon Drop Circle
115 Milky Way Drive
200 Gumdrop Path
200 Milky Way Drive
201 Milky Way Drive
202 Gumdrop Path
203 Milky Way Drive
203 Sugarland Drive
204 Gumdrop Path
204 Milky Way Drive
204 Sugarland Drive
205 Milky Way Drive
205 Sugarland Drive
206 Gumdrop Path
206 Sugarland Drive
207 Milky Way Drive
207 Sugarland Drive
208 Milky Way Drive
208 Sugarland Drive
209 Milky Way Drive
210 Milky Way Drive
211 Milky Way Drive
300 Milky Way Drive
301 Milky Way Drive
303 Milky Way Drive
304 Milky Way Drive
305 Milky Way Drive
307 Milky Way Drive
308 Milky Way Drive
309 Milky Way Drive
310 Milky Way Drive
311 Milky Way Drive
312 Milky Way Drive
Homeowner Mailing Info:
Type of Issue:
Debris / Garbage
Exterior Painting Maintenance
Exterior Power Washing Maintenance
Garbage Containers
Inoperable Vehicles
Lawn Maintenance
Parking / Storage of Prohibited Vehicles
Unapproved Exterior Change
Nuisance or Noxious Activity
Exterior Maintenance
Detail/ Notes:
Covenant / Handbook Reference(s): Select all that apply:
-Debris / Garbage (Covenant,Page #3, Section 11): It shall be the responsibility of each owner to prevent and correct unclean, unsightly, or unkempt conditions of buildings or lots. All lots shall be kept clean and free of garbage, junk, trash, debris, non-operable vehicles and apparatus, and any substance and condition that might contribute to an unsightly condition, health hazard or the breeding and habitation of snakes, rats, or insects.
-Exterior Power Washing (Covenant,Page #3, Section 11): It shall be the responsibility of each owner to prevent and correct unclean, unsightly, or unkempt conditions of buildings or lots.
-Inoperable Vehicles (Covenant,Page #3, Section 11): All lots shall be kept clean and free of garbage, junk, trash, debris, non-operable vehicles and apparatus, and any substance and condition that might contribute to an unsightly condition, health hazard or the breeding and habitation of snakes, rats, or insects.
-Lawn Maintenance (Covenant, Page #3, Section 11): The owners of lots shall see to the mowing of their lawn as needed, the maintenance and protection of landscaping, the proper drainage of the lot so as to prevent soil erosion, the maintenance of the home and other structures and improvements located on said lot so as to insure their good condition and appearance.
Exterior Maintenance: All lots shall be kept clean and free of garbage, junk, trash, debris and non-operable vehicles and apparatus and any substance and condition that might contribute to an unsightly condition. It shall be the responsibility of each owner to prevent and correct unclean, unsightly, or unkept conditions of building or Lots.
Garbage Receptacles(Covenants #16): Each lot owner shall provide sufficient receptacles for garbage in an area not visible from the street. No garbage, trash, leaves, or refuse shall be burned or dumped on any lot; nor shall those items be deposited curbside except in accordance with local ordinance.
Mailboxes (Covenants #27): All mailboxes shall be of the same design, color, construction, and material and shall be as approved. Receptacle for newspapers or other publications are not permitted except as part of approved mailbox design
Nuisance or Noxious Activity- Covenants Revision Section 12- No offensive or noxious activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon tending to case embarrassment, discomfort, annoyance or nuisance to other residents. There shall no be maintained any plant, animal device or thing of any sort who's activity or existence is in any way noxious, loud, dangerous, unsightly, unpleasant or of a nature as may diminish or destroy the enjoyment of the neighborhood. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the architectural committee; no sign, other than a single "For Sale" or "Sold" sign shall be placed on any lot.
Unapproved Exterior Change- Covenants Section 2. Control- No building, fence, or other improvements shall be constructed, erected, place or altered on any lot until the building plans and specification (including but not limited to architectural style, construction techniques, exterior materials and landscape design), and plat showing the proposed location.
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1st Follow Up
2nd Official Notice
3rd Official Notice
4th Notice - Final
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