Request a new Lab or Radiology Interface
Please submit a separate form for each laboratory or radiology provider you wish to interface with. Full instructions:
Your E-mail (for important action items and status updates)
If you'd like to include a colleague in status updates, include their email here
Your Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Practice Name
Does your practice go by any alternate names? (optional)
Your Role
Number of Physicians at your Practice (est.)
How many locations/addresses does your practice have? (est.)
Most of our customers have 1 practice location, but some have dozens of locations.
Which Laboratory or Radiology Provider would you like to interface with? (select only one, submit this form multiple times for separate labs/rads)
Quest Diagnostics
If Other, please provide an email address for a laboratory sales representative or IT point of contact who can evaluate the cost of an interface. (strongly recommended, we will immediately send an automated email to them if this is provided)
Do you want to receive results, or send orders as well?
I only want results in my EHR
I want to send orders from my EHR as well
How long have you been a customer of this laboratory or radiology provider?
0 months
1-3 months
3-12 months
12+ months
Recent estimated monthly ordering volume with this laboratory or radiology provider? (orders, not tests). Please note the volume with this lab/rad specifically, not the aggregate of all work you do across all labs/rads.
0-15 orders
15-30 orders
30-60 orders
60-90 orders
90+ orders
Do you have a point of contact at the lab / radiology provider?
Do any of the following apply?
I'm switching to this lab or radiology provider from another one.
I'm switching EHRs (or recently switched)
We are a newly founded practice / business. (< 6 months)
Did you have an interface with your previous EHR?
Which EHR are you leaving / who was your prior EHR vendor?
If you are not using your new EHR yet, do you have a planned start date with your new EHR?
Do you use or plan to use RXNT's Practice Management product?
Unsure / Other
Optional Onboarding Code (ignore this unless otherwise indicated by your EHR onboarding team)
Please note that as a next step, you will need to initiate contact with your laboratory or radiology provider. We will provide instructions to let you know how to do this, and how to notify us when complete.
Please Select
Please verify that you are human
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