The HARAMBEE Youth Conference is a community of persons coming together to experience relations in a diverse group of youth and adults, and to proclaim the wonder and beauty of God through song, dance, scripture, lectures, workshops, and recreation. Our life together is so important that we call all participants and leaders to enter a covenant together regarding the mutual responsibilities we all share.
Being in covenant means we each honor our life together as a Christian community and it means that we take seriously the admonition to beware of becoming an obstacle to anyone at this conference. It means we enter into a binding solemn agreement with each other and our God.
We are bound together as the family, seeking first the good of each other. Each of us must, there, support HARAMBEE with the best of our abilities, time, presence, and prayers. Surely then God will add the increase. The following statements will provide guidance for our lives together in covenant as participants and leaders of HARAMBEE.
1. Each of us comes with an open mind, a loving heart, and a willing spirit, and each of us comes needing things from each other.
2. Participation in all activities (prompt, orderly, and thorough attendance is in the best interest of the community and is expected of all participants).
3.We will respect the purpose of our coming together for Youth Harambee.
4. Each of us will speak to others, as we would like to be spoken to by others.
5. We will respect the property of each person, and or those persons and organizations that host us.
6. We recognize the body is a temple of God and will be guided by the Holy Spirit always, asking ourselves, “Would Christ be pleased?” with how we treat ourselves.
7. The possession or use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, fireworks and/or firearms is prohibited in all YOUTH HARAMBEE activities. Persons found in violation of this rule will be dismissed from Youth HARAMBEE. Harambee staff will contact parent or guardian and ask them to make arrangements at their own expense for getting their youth home. In the case of alcohol, drugs, fireworks, or firearms, the local police will be notified.
8. While on the campus or facility of host institute, each participant and leader will respect the rights of others for quiet and undisturbed rest. Each will be aware of the need for safety and follow all the rules outlined by the program sponsors.
9. All Curfew times will be honored