CAMPING LIMITS There is a 14-day stay limit on claims, within any 30-day period. (Federal Law) Initials:
cigarette butts and pull-tabs. Use your shovel as your toilet tool-away from the general camping areas and trails. Bury it no less than 6 inches. Initials:
GUESTS Prospecting guests will be limited to a total of two days, after that, they must join the BBMD. Guests must execute a hold harmless agreement prior to commencing any activity on a claim. Initials:
EQUIPMENT Use of explosives, chemicals, tractors, dozers, and backhoes are prohibited. Use of heavy equipment is prohibited on the claims unless approved by the board.
DIG HOLES/SURFACE DISTURBANCES Members are responsible for refilling ALL dig holes on claims and reclamation of areas worked.
PLANS OF OPERATION Currently BBMD has no "Plan of Operation" for any Forest Service or BLM land except for claims BBMD 6, BBMD 7, and BBMD 8. Initials:
NATIONAL FOREST REGULATIONS The use of a metal detector to locate mineral
deposits such as gold and silver on National Forest System lands is considered prospecting and is subject to the provisions of the General Mining Law of 1872. Detectors that are used in searching for treasure trove, locating historical and pre-historical artifacts require a Special Use Permit. Searching for coins or recent vintage (less that 50 years) and small objects having no historical value, as a recreational pursuit does not require a Special Use Permit as long the use of the equipment is confined to areas which do not possess historic or prehistoric resources. Pick/shovel excavations may only be done in conjunction with gold panning and metal detecting and must be made below the high water mark on the stream channel. All excavations must be filled in before leaving the area. Do not cut trees, limbs or brush. Do not dig up ground cover. Initials: