Filling out this form does not guarantee assistance. You may get some, all, or none of your requested assistance, depending on the circumstances of your application. Each application is reviewed by the Director of the STAR PROGRAM and the STAR PROGRAM COMMITTEE to ensure unbiased and fair decisions are made regarding assistance. Gift cards to Wal-Mart or Kroger will be provided for groceries. Checks will be mailed directly to the landlord, property manager, or bank. Other items may be reimbursed with proof of payment.
By submitting this application you are stating that you have been directly affected by Sickle Cell Disease, either due to your own illness or that of a dependent in your care. You have provided accurate and true information regarding your financial status and are in immediate need of assistance in order to provide basic necessities for those in your household (food, water, heat, etc).
I affirm that the information in this form is true and accurate according to my knowledge.