Specialized Basic School Evaluation of Instructor
Complete this form for evaluation of Instructor(s.) Evaluations are read by Staff as well as Academy Director. Feedback from classes is incorporated into future instances of Instruction.
Q1. Student name
Student name is not shared with Instructor, only Academy Staff. We need to ID the responses so we can follow-up for more information, if needed.
Q2. Today's Date
Q3. Specialized Basic School
Basic Animal Control Officer School
Basic Court Security/Civil Process School
Basic Dispatch Academy
Q4. Basic Animal Control Officer Topic
Vet: Agricultural Animal IBC
Vet: Animal Disease Principles & Zoonoses
Vet: Body Scoring & Conditioning
Vet: Body Scoring & Conditioning Field Trip
Vet: Companion Animal First Aid
Vet: Companion Animal IBC
Vet: Equine Animal IBC
Vet: Euthanasia Overview
Vet: Exotic Animal IBC
Vet: Rabies Control & Quarantine
Vet: Wildlife Animal IBC
ACO: Animal Capture Techniques
ACO: Animal Cruelty Investigations: Agricultural & Equines
ACO: Animal Cruelty Investigations: Companion & Exotic Animals
ACO: Animals as Evidence, Collection of Evidence & Chain of Custody
ACO: Animal Shelter Regulations & Local Ordinances
ACO: Case Prep & Legal Resources
ACO: Compassion Fatigue
ACO: Comprehensive Animal Law- Legal Update
ACO: Dog Fighting Overview of Conducting Effective Investigations
ACO: Emergency Planning & Response
ACO: Professionalism & Ethics
ACO: Public Education on Animal Issues
ACO: Reports & Forms
ACO: Responding to Complaints
LE: Civil Liability
LE: Conflict Resolution & Officer Safety
LE: Constitutional Law
LE: Cultural Diversity
LE: Family Trauma, Elder & Child Abuse/Neglect
LE: Juvenile Law
LE: Landlord/Tenant Issues- Resolving Conflicts
LE: Search & Seizure
LE: Search Warrants
LE: Use of Force for Animals
LE: Use of Force for Persons
Q4. Basic Court Security/Civil Process Topic
Civil Process
Court Security
Terrorism Awareness
Q4. Basic Dispatch Academy Topic
Alzheimer’s & Dementia
C.I.T. for Dispatchers
Compassion Fatigue
Cultural Diversity in the Call Center
Difficult People & Deaf/Hard of Hearing Callers
Disaster Plans & Terrorism
Dispatch Equipment
Domestic Violence & Victimology
Evolution & Role of Today's Dispatcher
Interpersonal Skills
Judgement & Call Instruction
Legal Considerations
Missing Children & Amber Alert
Practical Exercises
Professionalism & Ethics
Response to Active Shooter Events
Stress Management
Suicidal & Barricaded Subjects
Telephone/Radio Techniques, Call Control, & Information Dissemination
Workplace Sexual Harassment & Misconduct
APT Dispatching
I was not present for this block of instruction
Q5. Instructor Information-(LEAD)
Rank/Title or Salutation
Last Name
Q6-SECTION I-The Lead Instructor
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral-neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
Instructor had a strong knowledge of the subject.
Instructor answered questions completely.
Instructor effectively led class discussions.
Instructor showed interest in the subject matter.
Instructor provided adequate demonstrations (if applicable).
Instructor addressed the course objectives.
Q7-Section I-The Lead Instructor (Comments)
Q8. Instructor Information-(Assisting Instructor #1-as defined by CCJTA Staff)
Rank/Title or Salutation
Last Name
Q9. SECTION I-(Assisting Instructor #1-as defined by CCJTA Staff)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral-neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
Instructor had a strong knowledge of the subject.
Instructor answered questions completely.
Instructor effectively led class discussions.
Instructor showed interest in the subject matter.
Instructor provided adequate demonstrations (if applicable).
Instructor addressed the course objectives.
Q10. Section I-(Assisting Instructor #1--Comments)
Q11. Instructor Information-(Assisting Instructor #2-as defined by CCJTA Staff)
Rank/Title or Salutation
Last Name
Q12. SECTION I-(Assisting Instructor #2-as defined by CCJTA Staff)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral-neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
Instructor had a strong knowledge of the subject.
Instructor answered questions completely.
Instructor effectively led class discussions.
Instructor showed interest in the subject matter.
Instructor provided adequate demonstrations (if applicable).
Instructor addressed the course objectives.
Q13. Section I-(Assisting Instructor #2--Comments)
Q14. SECTION II-The Course
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral-neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
I would like to attend more courses in this subject.
Necessary class materials were provided and appropriate.
Time allotted for this topic was appropriate.
Class participation/questions were encouraged.
Presentation was well planned and organized.
This course was organized in a way that helped me learn.
This course gave me confidence in this subject matter.
Q15. Section II-The Course (Comments)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral-neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
I understood the material as it was presented.
I have a better understanding of the material after the course.
I received useful feedback from the instructor on my performance.
The training materials (PowerPoint, study guide, practical exercises, videos, etc.) complimented my learning of this subject.
Overall, this course met my needs.
Classroom conditions, such as lighting, temp., etc. were appropriate.
Q17. Section III-Summary (Comments)
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