General Rules:
1. Students are expected to stay with the group at all times.
2. Students are expected to obey the Pastors and staff/volunteers.
3. Students are expected to have a good attitude and behave politely.
4. Students are to abstain from all forms of PDA (public displays of affection).
5. Students are expected to report ON TIME to all meetings.
6. Students are to abstain from offesive language.
7. Students are expected to properly represent the church and the Christian faith.
Specific Rules:
1. One guy and one girl are NEVER, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES to be alone.
2. Fighting is absolutely prohibited.
3. Drugs/Alcohol are absolutely prohibited.
4. Tobacco products are absolutely prohibited for students under 18 years old.
1. A breach of generic rules and common courtesies will result in paid or volunteer staff administering punishments as necessary.
2. A breach of a Specific Rule will result in IMMEDIATE DISMISSAL.
3. Continued breaches of general rules will result in DISMISSAL.
I hereby agree that, in the event my child is dismissed from an event as a result of disciplinary action, I will pay the transportation fare associated with my student's immediate dismissal or will presonally retrieve the students from the group within a reasonable time period. I understand that no financial refunds will be given for early dismissal.
Furthermore, I agree to be held financially liable for any damage to property inflicted by my student.