Rules for conduct on the Happy Jacks RPG Network and community:
1) Be respectful. Debates are fine, whether they are in character, about RPG topics, or the exact wording of rules (hell, sometimes they’re great content for the advice show), but at the end of the day we all want to remain friends. That is much more important than anything we do for Happy Jacks. We are a community of friends first and foremost.
2) We are an adult show, but with lines. Anything that demeans a group of people, or makes light of sexual or physical abuse, etc is not allowed. Raunchiness? Sure. Crassness for its own sake is kinda pathetic, but crassness in context is a thing of beauty to be admired, like a Monet painting. It's also fine to curse or talk about more adult topics, although we generally "fade to black" for sex scenes in games and stuff.
3) USING SAFETY TOOLS: Every show will use Lines and Veils, X-cards, and possibly other safety tools. Yes, that includes the advice show. It is expected that everyone at the table will agree on which tools to use and will use them to keep themselves safe. It is best if you specify the content either out loud or in chat/slack. Examples: "Before we go into this cave covered in webs, I want to remind everyone that spiders are one of my lines." or "I'm going to x-card the use of the word "savages" to describe the native people in this area."
**You do not have to hide the use of safety tools during shows, unless you don't want the audience to know you are uncomfortable. We WANT our audience to see safety tools in action and continue to normalize their use. **
4) RESPONDING TO SAFETY TOOLS: when someone implements a safety tool, immediately take the appropriate action and DO NOT ask for explanations about why the person is uncomfortable with the content. It is acceptable to ask clarifying questions if you are unsure which content is being x-carded etc, but do it thoughtfully and gently.
**If someone x-cards you, it is NOT AN ACCUSATION! Just adjust and move on. If you said something insensitive, apologize or thank them for the clarity on the spot and move on. We are all friends and it's not a "gotcha" moment, but a chance to learn and grow.**
5) Keep problems it in the family. If you have a problem with something or someone at Happy Jacks, bring it up in house. Don’t take it to the listeners, other communities, or social media. Don’t share the dirt behind in-house drama. Don’t start a campaign to “fix” something. Talk to us. I promise you, quite sincerely: nothing is done to mess with people, insult people, belittle people. In every case, each decision made is made to benefit the enjoyment of our community, which includes all the hosts and guests, but we are human and make mistakes. Please, bring any misgivings/complaints/concerns/frustrations/etc to Kimi. I don't promise to grant every request, but I promise to listen and seriously consider what you say. If your issue is with Kimi or if you are not comfortable going to Kimi for any reason, Dave Hoover (CADave) is the person you should contact with your input.
6) We are an independent network that is mostly funded by our Patreons. We are proud of not needing to cater to publishing companies for money, which allows us to be totally honest with our audience about games and gives us the freedom to play anything we like. You are free to suggest or recommend any games or products on a show, but please be mindful of the trust that our audience has in us. Only recommend things that you have tried and know are high quality, or that are made by companies/individuals you know are reliable. This is especially true of Kickstarters. If someone backs a failed Kickstarter because they heard about it on Happy Jacks, that damages their trust in us.
7) Plugging your personal projects, other shows and networks you are on, and your social media accounts is totally fine, but we expect you to reciprocate on whatever shows/networks you’re also on. Podcasting (and Twitching) isn’t a zero-sum game. There are plenty of viewers/listeners out there. Plus, it’s just the nice thing to do.
8) SUGGESTED BUT NOT REQUIRED: If you like, it would be great if you would join our Discord server. It's a great place to interact with our community on an as-desired basis and it really increases their enthusiasm for shows when they feel they get to "talk" to the people on the show. We have very strict Discord rules about being polite to our cast and back-seat roleplaying is not allowed, although they do sometimes give us polite rules corrections. That is ok, as long as it's done nicely. Again, the power of Happy Jacks is not the shows, it's our amazing, supportive audience community.