Please mark or provide any and all items that are known, relevant or available. We understand that some of these items may not be applicable or available but the more information available to provide or indicate can help expedite and assist in the appraisal process. Be advised, this signed order begins the appraisal process which includes significant research, observations of the property and the valuation process. By signing this form the Company and/or individual placing the order agrees to all fees associated with the appraisal and process which starts prior to viewing a property. If there are any questions or concerns by Advanced Appraisal, the client will be promptly informed. Fees are due at the time of inspection or prior to appraisal release, unless a previous agreement, or long-time relationship has been established. All appraisals completed are not contingent upon value conclusions reached, loan closing or pre-determined expectation. The signed order form acts as a contract for services performed and rendered. Please understand, that the fee agreed is based on the appraisal, scope of work for the agreed assignment only and does not include additional work, any court testimony or appearances in court or otherwise. Any possible testimony or appearances would be based on separate agreement and an additional pre agreed hourly rate, possible retainer etc.
In terms of payments for fees agreed, we are able to accept payment via check, cash or credit cards onsite, on our website, Zelle, Paypal etc.
Special note: Only a digital/PDF copy will be provided unless otherwise agreed prior to the signed agreement, quote, scope of the assignment and the fee agreed.