You may encounter various Notices in your visa journey. Amongst them, there are certain important Notices which particularly require your urgent response. However, we see many people fail to understand the important nature of those Notices as they are related with legal and procedural contents. More importantly, sometimes, these will lead to visa refusals or visa cancellations.
Park & Co's VISA Emergency may assist you in understanding the nature of Notices you received and how to respond.
- Your privacy and information will be kept in confidence.
- We will endeavour to render our response as quickly as possible. However, our response may be dependent upon our work load and schedule.
- Our response will not be construed as a form of formal legal advice, as the response will be explicitly confined to the nature of the Notices you received.
- The submission and upload of your documents will not be regarded as lawyer-client relationship.
- If you wish to retain us for our legal services, you will have to formally engage with our firm.