1. 本會將要求應徵者出示證明文件,以供核對其申報之學歷、工作及薪酬等。
2. 應徵者所提供之資料將用作招聘事宜並只供其他授權處理有關事宜之人士閱覽。
3. 應徵者的資料只作招聘之用,未獲取錄之應徵者的資料將於招聘後銷毀。
1. Applicants will be required to produce documentary evidence concerning their qualifications, work experience, remuneration, etc. as declared in this application form for verification.
2. The information provided will be used for recruitment only and will be given to other authorized persons.
3. The information of applicants is used for recruitment only, unsuccessful applications will be destroyed after the recruitment process.