Existing Guest VIP Waitlist
Please fill out this form to let Christine know your normal availability. You'll be contacted ASAP once there's an appointment available for you. Be sure to text START to (855) 640-1648 to ensure your carrier isn’t blocking the salon phone number. Don’t let your appointment opportunity get lost in the spam filter!
Make another appointment now.
Cancellations are not guaranteed. Head to the online booking portal and book a backup just in case.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
What is your normal availability? (Ex: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM)
Time frames
Are you spontaneous? Do you have a flexible schedule? How does 10% off your services sound?
Cold and flu season is coming in hot, which means more last-minute cancellations. If you have a flexible schedule, live or work nearby, and want to save on the services you love, be sure to opt into our “Surprise Appointment List”—a lightning-fast waitlist for appointments that become available less than 24 hours before start time!
Do you want to be notified about “Surprise Appointments?” Your request expires 1 month after checking this box.
YES! Keep me posted on ALL availabilities! Anything is great!
Yes, but I’m ONLY interested in Surprise Appointments.
No, thanks.
Need to get in pronto? Maybe you have a surprise event to attend or maybe time just got away from you... There are 4 premium appointments each month that can be scheduled outside of my normal salon hours and are charged at 1.5x the session rate. Are you interested?
YES! I'll pay premium rates to get this done ASAP.
No, thanks. I'll wait and see if someone cancels during your regular hours.
What service are you looking for?
The Keep Up
The Complete
The Trim Up
The Express
Cut and Discover
Something else
Is there a date you need this done by? (Example: Leaving for vacation May 5th)
Yes, I have a hard deadline!
No deadline, I just want to get in sooner.
When is your deadline?
Anything else you think I should know? Let me know!
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