Each participant needs a separate form so that we have relevant information and consent. Some of the questions we ask are personal but vitally important so we can plan a safe day out with you. Heading out into the hills can be more strenuous physically and mentally than day to day life and sometimes this can increase the chances or a reaction to medication or an old injury returning. All information is treated confidentially and not share with third parties. The information you provide will help us to plan safe and appropriate activities for you, so please answer openly and honestly to help us provide you with the best experience possible.
First Name
Last Name
Pronouns (he/him, they/them, she/her)
Date of Birth
Contact number
Start date of course
Please let us know why you want to do this course? And include any previous experience.
Number of days
Please list any kit you need to loan?
Details of any medical, conditions AND any medicine or treatment being given or taken that may affect you on the course you have booked
Any information that will help us to look after you during the course. For example, how medication or a medical conditions affects you. How we can support mental well being.
Do you learn or process information differently? Can you please share any methods that help your learning so we can maximise that for you.
Emergency Contact, Name and relationship to you
Emergency contact phone number
Country Code
Area Code
Phone Number
Yes, subscribe me to this newsletter.
Is it OK for us to use photos of you on the course in our marketing?
How did you discover Kathryn James - Mountain Expertise?
Please Select
Google search
Word of mouth/recommendation
Please tick the following boxes to confirm
I have read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions
I recognise that mountain acitivities are dangerous and can result in serious injury or death
I am arranging cancellation and medical insurance for my course.
I am signing consent for an under 18 in my care
Payment options
Card payment
Bank transfer on receipt of invoice (please put £0 in payment box below if paying by bank transfer)
Course payment please enter amount
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