Hours of Lap Swim
Mon - Fri 5:00am - 10:00am & 8:00pm - 11:00pm
By accepting receipt of the swimming pool facilities gate card and in consideration for the privilege of using the swimming pool facilities during the hours without a lifeguard present (hereinafter "unguarded hours"), I (We) assume all risks of injury and damage, of any kind whatsoever, and agree to waive, release. indemnify and hold harmless ShadowGlen Homeowners Association, its members. representatives, and agents, from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me. or any of the property belonging to me, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE SIGNEES, or otherwise, while using the swimming pool facilities during unguarded hours.
I (We) agree that Lap Swim is to be used for lap/lane use only: swimming or walking. Each resident is limited to one adult guest (18 or above Furthermore, I (We) agree to abide by the ShadowGlen Homeowners Association Bylaws (hereinafter "Bylaws") and Pool Rules, including but not limited to, rules regarding hours of use, conduct at the pool and all other matters pertaining to the swimming pool facilities. I (We) agree not to give the swimming pool facilities gate card to anyone. Should I (We) be found guilty of breaking any of the aforementioned rules I (We) understand my (our) card(s) will be de-activated without notice if I (We) fail to follow these rules and that our pool privileges canbe revoked for up to one (1) year from the swimming pool facility.
Hours of Lap Swim
Mon - Fri 5:00am - 10:00am & 8:00pm - 11:00pm
I (We) agree to sign in and out in the Log Book at the gate to record all pool usage. I (We) agree to be responsible for locking the gate and turning off the bathroom lights when leaving the facility if no other swimmers are present. regardless of time. Additionally, I (We) agree to do my (our) best to enforce all rules as outlined above. I understand my (our) card registers on the HOA computer every time it's used for access and that security cameras are placed around the clubhouse and pool to record activities.
As evidenced by my (our) signatures(s) below. I (We) hereby acknowledge that I (We) have fully read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions set forth herein.