First Baptist Church Hickory Withe Inc. has adopted a resolution aimed at eliminating any potential for child sexual abuse in the church. The purpose for establishing a Child Abuse Prevention Policy is to demonstrate our total and unwavering commitment to the physical, emotional and spiritual safety of all the children and youth God has entrusted to our care. This policy extends to all activities conducted on the church property or which, in any way, have an association, either formal or inferred, with FBCHW.
If the activities being conducted will be involve children and/or youth, the activity must comply with the following requirements:
There shall be a minimum of two (2) adults per room in any room containing children and/or youth.
These two adults must not be from the same immediate family.
Any one-to-one mentoring or consulting shall be conducted in sight of another adult.
Adult is defined as a person over the age of 21.
Adults involved in the activity must have been screened by either the organization conducting the activity or through FBCHW’s normal screening process.
Organizations requesting use of the FBCHW grounds and/or facilities may either certify that the above requirements have or will be met. If an organization cannot certify that compliant screening has been accomplished for at least 2 adults per room, that organization may request that FBCHW accomplish this screening for a fee of $25.00 per person. Each person to be screened by FBCHW must complete a CRIMINAL HISTORY INFORMATION RELEASE FORM, which may be obtained from the church website at
I/We the undersigned authorized representative(s) of {fullName} (Your Name or Organization) do hereby certify that our organization understands and will comply with the two-adult provisions of the Child Abuse Prevention Policy of FBCHW. I/We further certify that two adults per room have been screened in a manner compliant with this policy defined above.
I have executed this certification on the day of {date}.