I hereby grant permission for him/her to participate in the Fuhsing GUPP Advanced College Credit Program. By giving my student permission to earn college credit from Fuhsing GUPP, I:
1、Understand that enrollment in a Fuhsing GUPP dual credit course, regardless of the student’s choice to register to earn transcripted college credit from a GUPP affiliated college or to take it for high school credit only, will adhere to the same course rigor and expectations placed on university level undergraduate students enrolled in the same course on a GUPP affiliated college’s campus.
2、Acknowledge that GUPP will assess a $250 per credit hour tuition fee for the course.
3、Acknowledge that is the student’s responsibility to ensure they register on time, uphold GUPP’s Academic Integrity policy/standards, meet tuition and registration deadlines, and communicate any issues to their high school GUPP instructor, GUPP high school coordinator, or the GUPP Advanced College Credit Program Office.
4、Agree to adhere to the administrative dates regarding registration and tuition payment set forth by GUPP Advanced College Credit Program
5、Understand that not making a tuition payment will result in the student being dropped from his/her coursework and that student may be eligible to reinstate with an additional cost if submitted by the reinstatement deadline for the semester.
6、Understand that if a student enrolls for college credit the grade the student earns in the course will be permanently recorded on a GUPP affiliated college transcript and cannot be changed by any individual at GUPP affiliated college.
7、Understand that if I wish to withdraw from courses I must follow proper procedure or risk receiving a failing grade. All grades assigned for courses at GUPP are part of my permanent college record and must be reported to requesting institutions (i.e. for high school transcripts, when applying to another college or job application, etc.)
8、Understand that if I am taking the course at my high school as dual credit, I understand the permission was granted because I have received recommendation from my high school and approval from the college President.
9、 Understand that I will be held to college-level standards and that I must successfully complete the course with a grade of ‘C’ or higher in order to participate in future Dual Credit / Dual Enrollment classes.
10、I understand that the campus Dean of Instruction has the right to limit the number of courses I may take within a semester and to direct me into specific sections of courses based on my placement scores. I must obtain the Dean of
Instruction’s approval before registering for a new course.