Can you help save San Francisco? Yes, you can!
San Franciscans who want sanity restored to our city are in the majority - but have historically not been well organized. That is rapidly changing.
There is a movement bubbling up across the city of citizens who simply want our leaders to focus on the problems facing our city and to solve them. Stop the posturing, stop the placating and bring common sense, effective solutions to our many challenges.
Join the growing movement of citizens who want to see an end to:
- Increasing neighborhood crime
- Open air drug use and drug dealing
- Retail theft mobs
- Failed strategies that are leading to inhumane conditions and lawlessness on our streets
- Struggling business corridors
How will reasonable residents affect change? By being informed and engaging in civic action when needed.
Join our list to stay informed and learn about easy ways to make your voice be heard!
(If you aren't sure what District you live in, you can check HERE. Or, Department of Elections District Map: Click HERE.)