8.2 Projected Budget
Please complete the 2022 North-South Expansion CFP Budget Template and upload the completed template below.
Funding will be provided across two new Huddle sites to support the transition to offering integrated services, and to enhance services to achieve alignment with the Huddle vision, values, critical service elements and desired outcomes.
The 2022 North-South Expansion CFP Budget Template are intended as guides to determine the resources required to open and operate a Huddle site. The template is broken into two sheets:
- Fiscal Year 2022/2023 - January 1 to March 31, 2023
- Projected costs should be calculated based on early start-up costs for this time period
- Up to $245,000 of Huddle funding
- Fiscal Year 2023/2024 - April 1 to March 31, 2024
- Up to $400,000
- Budget projections should recognize a ramp up of hub activities in 2023/24
In-Kind Contributions:
- In-kind resources include the existing staffing and resources you and your integrated youth services partners will commit and bring together in order to establish your Huddle site.
- It is anticipated that each Huddle locations in-kind contributions will differ depending on the size of community and existing resources. Note – it is anticipated that in-kind contributions may look very different for smaller rural communities with fewer existing resources
Other Sources of Funding:
- Other sources of funding include other monetary cash contributions to the proposed hub that may come from other community development funding, local levels of government, First Nations’ trusts, other philanthropic funding, etc.
If you have any technical difficulties filling out or submitting the budget template please don't hesitate to reach out to youthhubs@unitedwaywinnipeg.ca.