EIF - Application form
You wish to join our global consortium of experts and investigative journalist ? We're always eager to welcome new profiles within our network ! Joining EIF is free of charge and enables you to benefit from tailored work opportunities, brainstorming environmental stories and tools, and more. In order to discuss this, please tell us a bit more about you and what you're looking for.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Which country are you based in ?
Where are you based ?
Which country are you based in ?
Your background
Are you an investigative journalist ? An expert ? Both ? Please tell us a bit about your professional background and current status here. This biography will be featured on our webpage if your application to join EIF is accepted by the team. Please make sure to use the same length as in our network page. Don't forget to use the "skills" and "points of interest".
What do you wish to accomplish by joining EIF ? (multiple choice allowed)
Provide scientific expertise
Work as an investigative journalist
Provide data skills (AI, Remote Sensing, GIS, data-vizualisation etc.)
Develop environmental tools for journalists
Provide training and expertise on environmental issues
Do you have any occasional or frequent work activity that is not linked to scientific research and/or journalism ? Please state which.
We try to screen any potential conflict of interest. Journalists and researchers who are directly employed or acting consultants for governmental bodies, politically exposed persons and/or the financial and the energy sector aren't entitled to join EIF.
Please share links from at least two previously published environmental investigations (for journalists) or scientific articles, deliverable, report etc. (for experts)
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This picture will be featured on the following network page: www.eiforum.org/our-network
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