About the Crowned Mentoring Program
Ages: 15-21
Gender: Female
Target Audience: Open to High School Students and 1st Year College Students
Objective: Program is designed to give young women a personalized way to develop educational, professional and career-related skills.
Length of program: 12 months
● Crowned is a 12-month program that prepares mentees ages 15-21 to meet the challenges of young adulthood through a coordinated, progressive series of high-quality activities and learning experiences that help mentees achieve social, emotional, spiritual, and psychosocial well-being.
● Mentees will participate in 1:1 mentoring, community service and enrichment activities monthly as they gain the ability to lead themselves and others on a course of action.
● Mentees will gain the ability to analyze their own strengths and weaknesses, set personal and professional goals to have the self-confidence to pursue their dreams.
Mentees will be divided into two groups according to age and grade level as follows:
● Crowned Beginnings – Ages 15-18-Mentors will provide mentees with a strong foundational focus on interpersonal development, self confidence and sense of responsibility as they enter adulthood.
● Crowned Advanced – Ages 18-21 – Mentors will help mentees establish independence and find their identity. The focus is to help mentees emerge as vibrant, confident, and assured young ladies both personally and professionally as they are ready to explore and prepare for future careers and roles.
Mentors will help mentees:
● Make decisions and set goals, keep motivated and focused on her goals.
Improve in school.
● Nurture her confidence and self-esteem.
● Gain problem solving and critical thinking skills.
● Introduce her to new ideas, activities, and opportunities.
● Prepare her for college or other training.
● Explore career possibilities.
- Relevant Expertise and Knowlege
- Leadership Skills
- Empathetic
- Adaptable
- Must possess a bachelors degree or higher.
Crowned Mentoring Model
A Crowned Mentor is a caring adult who supports a young person through a guided relationship that will foster the resilience needed for mentees to achieve success as she navigates through adulthood.
A Crowned Mentor will participate in training to learn essential skills and processes to help build mentees self awareness, confidence and help her become a stronger leader, and help her set and achieve goals. Crowned Mentors understand they are to support the mentee not parent, judge, or control her life.
● Crowned is a community-based 1:1 and group mentoring program.
● The mentor and mentees meet in positive, socially appropriate venues, attend appropriate events
● Parents/Guardian permission for girls under 18 is required and active participation is also required.
● Mentors will undergo a comprehensive screening process: application, interview, criminal background check, and reference checks. Mentors also complete initial and ongoing training on effective mentoring practices.
● Mentors commit to at least a one-year mentoring experience; attend Crowned International events with their mentee; initiate at least one contact per week and one contact in-person per month.
● Mentors focus on positive social, academic, career, and life skills as appropriate for the age of the mentee.
● Mentoring activities vary per age group.
Crowned Beginnings (High School): Mentoring typically focuses on activities that promote character development, academic success and leadership
Crowned Advanced (College): Mentoring activities continue to promote character development and academic success and begin to introduce a career development focus and emphasize school-to-career preparation.
● Group activities focus on community service and leadership development.
The Program Coordinator will be responsible for mentor recruitment, screening and training. Ongoing support and supervision to mentors and mentees will be provided.