Please ensure that this information is enclosed with your completed application form. If anything is missing we will not be able to process your application and will return it to you.
If we do not see the original documents when you return your form, we must see them if and when you are offered a tenancy.
Please tick to indicate what evidence you are providing (ü):
All Applicants and Joint Applicants:-
Proof of your identity
Any one of: Your passport, immigration documents, birth certificate, marriage certificate, driving licence, OAP travel pass, benefit book, NHS medical card
Proof of your current address
Any one of these showing your present address (unless NFA)
A utility or council tax bill, bank statement, insurance certificate, tenancy agreement, wage slip
If you have dependent children:-
Proof of any child benefit you receive
Your benefit book or Child Tax Credit Statements
If someone in your household is pregnant:-
Proof of pregnancy, stating the expected date of birth
Your medical certification provided by your doctor, midwife or hospital
If you have been asked to leave your current accommodation:-
Your written notice to quit
If you are able to provide any further evidence to support your application
Proof of your employment
Your wage slip or contract of employment