Private and confidential
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Red Balloon wants to meet the aims and commitments set out in its Equality Policy (available on our website). This includes 'not discriminating under the Equality Act 2010' and 'building an accurate picture of the make-up of our workforce by encouraging equality and diversity.
We believe that no job applicant should be discriminated against, either directly or indirectly, on the grounds of a protected characteristic (gender, race, disability, marital status or civil partnership, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy/maternity, gender reassignment), where any of these cannot be shown to be a requirement of the job concerned.
To support our Equality Policy, and for no other reason, we would like to collect personal and sensitive data regarding our applicants. This information will be used by Red Balloon to generate anonymised statistics that will never be presented in a form that allows individuals to be identified. Recruitment and selection procedures will then be monitored to ensure that individuals are selected solely on the basis of their individual merits and abilities.
Applicants are asked to help us to monitor our Equality Policy by completing and returning this form with their application.