Jaco Analytical Laboratory, Inc.
Customer Satisfaction Survey Summary
1. How frequently do you use Jaco Analytical Lab?
This is my first time.
Several times per year
2. Why do you choose to use Jaco Analytical Lab? (check all that apply)
Lab reputation
High value/quality of service
Cost effectiveness
Ability to provide timely response
3. How satisfied are you with each of the following technical services?
Exceed expectations
Met expectations
Did not meet expectations
Does not apply
Quality/realiability of test results
Turn-around times on routine tests
Response to technical questions and concerns
Quality of phone and email communications with lab staff
Clarity/usefullness of the lab report and/or supporting documentation you received
Cost of tests
Please provide specific examples of any services that exceeded or did not meet your expectations:
4. For each of the following Administrative/Support Services, please rate your experience.
Exceeded expectations
Met Expectations
Did not meet expectations
Does not apply
Lab staff were knowledgeable, helpful, courteous and professional
Response was prompt
Satisfaction with resolution to a concern
Received requested information or test supplies in a timely manner
Please provide specific examples of any services that exceeded or did not meet your expectations:
5. Please rate your overall experience with the services you have received from Jaco Analytical Lab.
Exceeded expectations
Met Expectations
Did not meet expectations
Does not apply
Overall experience
6. What can we do to serve you better? Please add any additional comments or suggestions relative to your satisfaction with Jaco Analytical Laboratory, Inc., your experiences with lab staff or business staff, improving our services, or general comments.
7. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statement:
Strongly agree
Strong Disagree
Overall experience
Should be Empty: