By signing below on this form, I give Howard County Tourism Council, Inc. (dba Visit Howard County) permission to use my photographs/videos (“Images”) in perpetuity for any purpose including, but not limited to, electronic promotion on social media platforms as well as on, in newsletters, and in print.
My signature below attests to the following:
- I permit Howard County Tourism Council, Inc. to access and use the Images on my social media sites
- I give up any rights to review or approve the promotional or print, electronic, and social media materials before they are used
- I agree that the Images may be altered via cropping and resizing and any other means to fit the format and style required
- I understand that when the Images are used I, my organization, and/or the photographer may be given credit only when possible as some advertising mediums do not allow for photo credit
My consent is freely given as a public service to Howard County Tourism Council, Inc., without expecting payment.
I release Howard County Tourism Council, Inc. and their respective employees, officers, and agents from any and all liability that may arise from the use of such news media stories, promotional materials, written articles, videotapes, and/or photographs.
I have fully read and agree with the contents of this Media Agreement Form.