The goal of these questions is to ask Māori (or anyone with any Māori whakapapa, regardless of how they identify) why they have chosen to enrol to vote on the Māori electoral roll or the General electoral roll.
We are hoping to hear from a wide range of people, including people not interested in politics or voting.
We are a team of researchers led by Dr. Lara Greaves (Ngāpuhi/Pākehā/Tararā) who became interested in politics and this topic after experiencing issues with trying to change electoral rolls. Click here to read about the team. The goal of this work is to create a resource that expresses why people make the roll choices that they do.
This work is funded by a grant from the Royal Society (called a Marsden Fast Start). We do not profit financially from the research project.
You do not have to answer all of the questions, and you can leave at any time. However, because this is an anonymous survey, we are unable to remove your responses if you leave. You can also save your responses and return later, by clicking the floppy disk symbol at the bottom of the page.
This research is completely anonymous – no personally identifying information will be tracked or recorded, unless you would like to enter the prize draw, receive a summary of the results, or participate in more research – but contact information will be stored separately from your question responses.
For more information, you can also access the full participant information sheet in Te Reo Māori or English.
There are three sets of questions:
1) Questions about which electoral roll you chose and why, along with a few questions about yourself. After this, you have the option to provide your email to go into the prize draw. Your contact details will not be linked to your results.
If you’re interested in answering more questions, there are two extra sections:
2) In-depth questions about your political views, including which parties you like or dislike, Māori politics, and political participation
3) A short quiz to test your knowledge this is to see what people know and don't know about the rolls.
Each set of questions is its own type of survey, and each survey you fill out gives you another prize draw entry as a thanks for spending your time answering our questions.
We hope that you enjoy participating in this research. Please also share this research project with your friends and whānau. The link is: and we also have Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter posts you could share.
Approved by the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee from 13/5/22 until 13/5/25. Reference Number UAHPEC22714.