Edson Community Learning Interest List
Thank you for your interest. We will contact you about upcoming courses. We also offer one on one tutoring for our programs. Check out our calendar on our website www.edsonlearning.ca for current offerings and follow us on facebook. Some answers are required. All information is confidential.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
email address
How did you hear about us?
social media
website www.edsonlearning.ca
friend /family
employer / co-worker
referral from another agency / organization
If you were referred by another agency, please provide the name.
Year of Birth (must be 18 or older)
Prefer not to disclose
What is your Status in Canada
Canadian Citizen
Permanent Resident
Temporary Foreign Worker / Refugee
First Nations / Metis
Would any of the following make it difficult for you to attend:
the fee
lack of transportation
lack of childcare
Do you have any other concerns?
Highest level of education completed:
Grade 9 or lower
did not graduate High School
High School Graduate or High School Equivalency
Post Secondary courses
College or University Graduate
attended school outside of Canada
Please select the programs that you are the most interested in.
Adult Literacy and Numeracy Support
Math Tutoring / High School Equivalency level
Math Tutoring / Trades Entrance Exam
Basic Digital Skills (computer, tablets, cell phones)
English Language Classes for Beginners
English Language Classes for Intermediate
Conversation Circle for English Language Learners
English Language Tutoring
Math Homework Help
Family Literacy
Class 7 Drivers Prep
Community Kitchen (Basic cooking, shopping to save money)
Potential Best / Skills for Success / Employment & Life Transitions
Money Matters, Basic Financial Skills
Settlement Services / Settlement Worker in Schools
Mental Health First Aid
Mental Wellness Courses
Is there any other areas of interest or courses for adult learners that you would like us to offer?
The information collected will remain private and confidential. By submitting this form, you agree be contacted by the Edson Community Learning regarding upcoming programs you have shown interest in. You can withdrawal consent at any time by contacting us.
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