Lodge & Learn
Information and Agreements
Contact Information
Please provide the requested information for you, an emergency contact, and your vet.
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Your pronouns
Your email
Your Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
In the case of a non-emergency medical event, if we cannot reach you who would you like us to try first?
Emergency Contact
Vet's Office
Emergency Contact
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact's Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Name of Current Vet
Vet's Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Vet's Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
In the case of a medical emergency, do we have your permission to take your pet to the above listed vet or, if they are closed, an emergency vet. You will be immediately notified, if you do not answer a voicemail will be left.
Yes, you have permission
No, you do not have permission
If we are unable to get in contact with you, we have your permission to approve medical care up to this amount (cost), which you agree to cover:
In the event of an emergency that renders the individuals within The Good Steward Training Company unable to provide appropriate care for your dog (such as a medical emergency that puts us in the hospital) our first step will be to seek assistance from our local training partners, either by having them contract to continue care here or in their boarding facility. Do you give permission for us to do this? You will be contacted prior to the transfer of care, and given all information about the individuals providing the care.
If our training partner is not available to take over care, how would you like us to proceed?
We locate a caregiver
You locate a caregiver
Contact a pre-selected care giver
Please provide contact information for the pre-selected care giver if applicable.
Canine Information
Please use the questions below to tell us all about your pup's medical, dietary, housing, and play needs! This information will help us to ensure we provide the safest, most comfortable, and most enjoyable stay!
What is your pup's name? (Please list all dogs who will be staying with us).
Does your pup have any current or previous medical conditions or concerns? If yes, please share any relevant details that will ensure we provide a safe, healthy, and comfortable stay for your pup.
Is your pup on any medications? If so, please list the medication, dosage, and schedule below:
Is your pup up-to-date on their flea, tick, and heartworm preventative?
When was this last given?
Please provide us with the most recent copy of your pup's medical records.
Browse Files
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Choose a file
What kind of food is your pup eating?
Please tell us about your pup's meals. What times are they fed, and how much do they receive at each meal? Is there a particular way they prefer their meal prepared? And, is there anything to note about their appetite such as not eating all their food, taking a while to eat, etc?
Does your pup have any food allergies or sensitivities?
Does your pup have a favorite treat that we can provide them throughout their stay?
Where does your pup like to sleep? (ex: in their crate, on their bed, on the couch).
We will do our best to replicate your pup's home experience. For their safety, we may find it necessary to utilize a crate or pen for part of their stay. For example, if they are being unusually destructive, if they are moved inside the main house during a storm). Do we have your permission to utilize a crate or pen for your pup if necessary? You will be provided with photos of the pen or crate set up.
Yes, you may use a crate or pen if needed throughout their stay
No, if this is necessary we would like to be contacted to arrange alternative care.
Does your pup have any history of destroying and ingesting furniture, toys, or parts of the house?
If so, please provide details about the items and if there are specific situations that correlate to this behavior.
Does your pup have a favorite toy, or a particular manner of play that they like most? (If possible, please send this toy with them).
Does your dog have a history of escaping a crate, pen, yard, or the home?
Does your pup have any known fears? If so, how do they react to these things?
We allow and encourage play and exploration, which means your pup may get dirty during their stay. Please tell us how your pup does during bath time, if there are any specific shampoos / conditioners you would not like used, and if we have your permission to provide a bath for your pup if needed.
Canine Information
Please fill out the questions below to help us tailor some of the training and social experiences we are excited to offer your pup while they are with us!
Would you say that your pup likes interacting with other dogs?
Have they played with other dogs before?
Have they ever had an altercation with another dog (being attacked, attacking, or getting into a scuffle / fight)?
In general, how do they respond to other dogs at a distance and up close?
During your pup's stay, we may utilize other trained, non-aggressive dogs as "helpers" for training sessions. This would occur using a physical barrier such as a leash or fence. Do we have your permission to perform this kind of training?
During your pup's stay, we may have other trained, non-aggressive dogs with whom they can interact. Any play or off-leash interaction occurs only after a gradual introduction and thorough assessment of their compatibility. Any interaction, on or off leash, is always actively supervised by a minimum of two adults with professional training. Do we have your permission to provide social interactions for your dog including but not limited to group walks or playtime?
During dog/dog interactions, especially with pups learning social skills, small injuries can occur. These are often very shallow nicks from a tooth or nail. Play can also result in tripping or colliding, causing tenderness to joints. This risk is present in all physical activity, but may be more so during play. Do you understand this inherent risk and still approve of playtime for your pup if appropriate?
Would you say that your pup enjoys interacting with people?
If your dog has ever presented with any form of aggression towards a person, please list who, the situation, the behavior, and the severity of the injuries.
During your pup's stay, we may find it is beneficial to take them off our property for training or enrichment. This will most often occur in our neighborhood, but could also take place at a local park. All precautions will be used to ensure your dog is appropriately secured, remains safe, and enjoys their time. Are you comfortable with us providing these forms of activity or training while your pup is with us?
Yes, but only within walking distance of the home
During your pup's stay, we may find it beneficial for them to engage in interactions with other trainers either on or off property. These interactions will always be supervised, and the trainers will only be permitted to engage with your pup if they follow not only our ethos of welfare-driven training but agree to any rules or instructions we provide them. These would either be social interactions, or opportunities for other trainers to help us generalize your pup's new skills (learn to do them for other people). Are you comfortable with us allowing other individuals to engage with your pup during their stay?
During some training, it may be beneficial or necessary to utilize a muzzle for safety. This is most often only utilized for aggression cases with risk of significant harm to others. Please select below to help us make the decisions during our training that will provide comfort for you and your dog:
My dog is muzzle trained, and you can use it as needed
My dog is muzzle trained, but I would prefer you contact me before use
My dog is not muzzle trained and I would like you to begin training if possible
My dog is not muzzle trained and I would like you to contact me before any use of a muzzle (the exception being emergencies such as at the vet)
Final Agreements
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
Media (photos of videos) of my dog taken during training can be utilized by the Good Steward Training Company on their social media platforms, website, and in educational or presentational materials.
I understand and acknowledge that The Good Steward Training Company will do their best to make notable progress towards the specific discussed goals for my dog, but because of the dynamic nature of behavior they cannot make any guarantee regarding the outcome of any training/counseling program. Further, I understand that the long-term success of any training program depends on my commitment to applying the knowledge and skills provided to me.
Yes, I understand
No, I would like to discuss this more
In the case of an emergency including but not limited to extreme weather or illness of the care staff, I have alternative housing and care that can be provided to my pup (ex: a vet, an approved boarding facility, a friend or family member).
I agree, as the legal guardian of the animal(s) listed on this form, to assume financial responsibility for medical fees including but not limited to vet visits, medicine, or procedures. The payment of these fees will be covered by The Good Steward Training Company only if the medical need was caused by clear negligence.
Yes, I agree.
No, I do not agree.
I understand that stress, physiology, reasonable accidents, and genetics may impact the overall health of an animal. The Good Steward Training Company, its owners, and its employees will be held liable for illness, injury, death, sickness, or damage in relation to the above animal only while it is in their care and if there is evidence of neglect or harmful intent.
Yes, I understand and agree.
No, I do not agree.
I understand that The Good Steward Training Company schedules out their services, sometimes up to a month in advance. Because of this, should I elect to bring my pup home from the program earlier than planned, they may not be able to fill the spaces I have vacated, meaning they will not be able to replace that income. If I elect to bring my pup home prior to the half-way point of their scheduled program, The Good Steward Training Company will not be expected to refund me more than 50% of my payment. If I elect to bring them home earlier than scheduled, but after the half-way point of the program, there is no expectation of a refund. (The Good Steward Training Company will always advocate for an animal's welfare. If we believe they are unable to adjust to this environment resulting in an unhealthy level of stress, we will notify you and will assist you in seeking the best possible option for them including but not limited to returning home for exclusively in-home training, alternative housing during your time away, or temporary use of vet prescribed medication. We will do this regardless of the refund it may require on our part. If you have any concerns about your animals well-being while they are with us, please share this with us right away!).
Yes, I understand and agree
No, I do not agree to these refund terms
I have read the details regarding this program, and am electing to have my pup participate in it. I am in agreement with the discussed care and training plans presented and feel comfortable with them.
Yes, I feel comfortable!
No, let's discuss some things further.
Everything in this application is, to the absolute best of my knowledge, truthful. I agree to all terms laid out in this form.
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