The purpose of this document is to obtain the most accurate information regarding your business. Please read this document entirely before you start answering each of the questions, then answer each question as accurately as possible.
· Required answers are denoted with an asterisk (*)
· If you don’t have the answer to a non-required question please type “Not defined” in your answer, this will allow us to work on an assumption for you. If the question does not apply to your business, please type “NA”
· If this is an operating business, we will need the most current Profit and Loss statement covering the last year to date (or since inception) as well as a current Balance Sheet in addition to this form.
· Questions marked with (*) imply they are absolutely required before we can proceed.
By using this Prep Document, you as the client, agree to the Terms and Conditions and are responsible for reading these to ensure awareness of revision periods and scope. This will avoid potential additional fees for rework.