To receive uniforms from the Daniel Boone High School Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps I / we agree to the following terms:
1. I / we understand that the uniforms I received are the property of the United States Marine Corps and are on loan to Daniel Boone High School for use by the MCJROTC program.
2. I / we understand that gender specific uniform items will be issued to the cadet corresponding to his/her gender as determined by the cadet's birth certificate.
3. I / we understand I / we will be held responsible for the uniforms received, from the time of issue until directed to return them for inventory, storage, or other reasons.
4. I / we understand that I / we will be responsible for the replacement of uniform articles, at my own expense at current government prices, lost, damaged, or worn beyond a reasonable degree through carelessness or negligence; otherwise, the articles will be replaced in kind by the United States Marine Corps. Current prices have been provided in this contract and can be downloaded under
5. I / we understand that the uniform will be worn only by the cadet during school hours, proceeding to/from school or on the occasion of ceremonies or commitments as authorized by the Senior Marine Instructor.
6. I / we agree to maintain the uniform in proper condition and appearance at all times.
7. I / we understand that the uniform or parts thereof will not be worn with civilian attire or used for farm work, chores, hunting, fishing, etc.
8. I / we understand that uniforms issued to a cadet are cleaned and sanitized. Once issued, I / we assumed the responsibility for maintaining the cleanliness of the uniform at my / our own expense. Uniforms, when returned, will be cleaned and sanitized as they were issued.
9. A $25.00 cleaning deposit (CASH ONLY) is required prior to uniform issue. The deposit will be returned when uniforms are returned in their entirety, by the prescribed date, properly cleaned and sanitized. Uniforms requiring dry cleaning will be returned properly cleaned and pressed, on hangers and bagged with the dry clean tags still attached.