conda Code of Conduct Reporting Form
Your Name
We will keep your personal information confidential even if you provide your contact information. You can also report an incident anonymously. Anonymous reporting may limit what response ca be taken.
This is optional, but can be very helpful for followup communication. If you are reporting anonymously, then please consider creating and using a random/new email account here.
Information about the incident
The approximate date, time and location of the incident(s).
If the incident happened at a conda event, or in a conda virtual space, then please include the event or virtual space name. Please be as specific as possible.
Identifying information of the individual whose behavior is being reported.
Can include name, nickname, screen name, physical description, email address, ....
Description of the behavior - your account of what happened. Please provide as much detail as possible, including the circumstances and context surrounding the incident. You can also attach PDFs, pictures and screenshots below.
The text may include URLs. If reporting harassing language, please be as specific as possible about the words used.
Is the incident ongoing? Is this part of an ongoing pattern of behavior by this individual?
Did anyone else observe the incident?
Please upload any supporting documents that pertain to the incident.
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
PDFs, Screenshots, photos etc.
Any other information that we should know about what happened, or that you would like us to know.
Should be Empty: