E-Cat NGU Technical Data:
Actual technical Data Sheet
from Leonardo you find here:
Produkt: NGU Power Cell
Model: SKL-NGU-10W
Design: High-Capacity Power Cell
Application: Cost-Effective Stationary and Mobile 24/7 Sustainable Generation of Electricity
Output Data (DC)
Voltage: 1-12V DC +- 1% (ON), oV (OFF)
Max Power: 10W
Operational Current Iout: Function of Vout
Overload Protection: Integrated AI control
Serial & Parallel Connection: Yes
Energy Data
Capacity: 0,3MWh 4), > 1 MWh 5)
Volume Density: 3,7 MWh/Li 4), 12,5 MWh/Li 5)
Weight Density: 9,9 MWh/kg 4), 33 MWh/kg 5)
Heat Dissipation: <1 Wh/h (ON), 0Wh/h (OFF)
Electricity Generation: E-Cat Technology with SSM 6)
Non Harardous Classification: Yesm with references to the compliances below
Lithium (weight): <1g
Nickel (weight): <5g
Recycling by Manufacturer: 100% of product content
Warranty: 3 years full (26280 operational hours)
Expected Operational Lifetime: >100.000hours
Mechanical Data
Operating Tepmeratur Range: -20°C to +60°C
Isolation Design: ICE 60112
Dimensions: Cylindric: d =60mm, L=30mm
Weight: 30g
Output DC Connector: Free Cables, 5cm long
Safety and EMC Compliances: CE EN 55015, 61457, 62493, 60598-1, 60598-2-1, 62031, EN IEC 61000-3-2, 61000-3-3
1) The NGU Cell is switched ON when connected to an allowed load Rload. Reaction Time from OFF to ON is < 1 s.
2) Iout = Vout /Rload .The Cell is switched OFF when Rload is disconnected or Ioad exceeds Max Operational Power.
3) Power cells and generators can be interconnected in serial and parallel to achieve higher voltage and power. Allowed serial voltage: < 240 V
4) Calculated from the 3 years full warranty
5) Calculated from the estimated lifetime of >100 000 hours
6) Self Sustained Mode (SSM) extraction of electricity from ZPE field, referenced publication :
7) Detailed data for NGU Generators are available on request.
8) SKL: Sven Kullander Leonardo. NGU: Never Give Up.