Responsibilities as a Committee Chair and or as a Committee Volunteer. Depending on Committee and Role, the Duties will Vary
Greater Birmingham Apartment Association Committee & Council Policy:
The following operating guidelines and list of responsibilities apply to the standing committees and established by the Board of Directors. Special committees, event committees, sub-committees, and Task Forces are created to achieve a specific purpose and thus need to have more flexibility in their operations. Specific operating guidelines and responsibilities that should also apply to these types of committees are marked by an asterisk(*).
Committee Operating Guidelines
I. All committees must have a Chair and a Vice-Chair, each of whom will be appointed and/or affirmed annually by the President and First Vice President, in consultation with the other Officers and the Executive Vice President. It is anticipated that the Vice-Chair will be appointed as Chair the following year.
II. Committees will typically meet monthly.
III. Committees should have a minimum number of members to ensure the work load is spread evenly, without becoming so large that time and money are spent inefficiently. The Board suggests that most committees have approximately ten to twelve members, unless special circumstances dictate a different size.*
IV. Each committee should have at least one GBAA Board member on the committee. The Board liaison(s) will respond to issues raised at Board meetings regarding the committee’s report or work.
V. Committees may not commit to expenditures of funds outside of the annual budget unless specifically authorized by the Board or Executive Committee.*
VI. Committee members may not express opinions or represent positions to the media in the name of GBAA, unless specifically authorized by Executive Committee or Executive Director.
VII. Committee terms are generally January 1st through December 31 (same as GBAA’s fiscal year), with a notable exception being committees that need different term periods to facilitate planning for specific events.
X. The GBAA staff will review and approve all committee recommendations for event dates prior to being finalized. Any changes in dates for events must be reviewed and approved by the President.*
XI. Committee members are expected to pay the regular admission rate for any programs, education, or events their committee coordinates if they choose to attend.*
XII. Detailed minutes for most committee meetings are not required. Brief notes containing assignments given and decisions made are all that is needed.
XIII. Committee meetings are generally open to all GBAA members in good standing, subject to cost and location restraints. However, those interested in attending should notify the Staff Liaison or Chair at least a day prior to the meeting of their desire to attend, and only official Committee members may vote on committee business.*
Roles Defined
I. Chair
a. The Chair, working in partnership with the Staff Liaison, is responsible for:
§ facilitating the work of the committee within the parameters of the organization’s strategic plan
§ providing oversight, leadership and focus at committee meetings
§ Help develop and work within approved budgets
§ ensuring timely communications within the committee and between the committee and other components of GBAA
§ setting the agenda for meetings
§ ensuring a report is made to the Board each month as necessary.
B. The Chair is appointed by the nominating committee for a one year term and may be re-appointed for one additional consecutive term.
C. The Chair must also comply with the Committee Member responsibilities listed below.
II. Vice-Chair
A. The Vice-Chair performs the Chair’s responsibilities if the Chair is unavailable.
B. The Vice-Chair will be responsible for helping develop the following year’s budget and committee member appointments.
C. The Vice-Chair is appointed by the nominating committee. It is anticipated that the Vice-Chair will become Chair after the current Chair’s term(s) of service ends.
D. The Vice-Chair must also comply with the Committee Member responsibilities listed below.
III. Committee Member
A. Committee members can be appointed at any time by the Chair or Staff Liaison in consultation with each other.*
B. Committee members must be employed by members of GBAA in good standing; the Chair and Vice-Chair must be either their firm representative member or an affiliate member, unless otherwise approved by the Executive Committee.*
C. Committee members must act in good faith and in accordance with what they believe to be in the best interest of the association.*
D. Committee members must publicly disclose any conflicts of interest pertaining to committee matters.*
E. Committee members must refrain from any discussions or activities that are in violation of antitrust laws.*
F. Committee members are expected to attend at least 75% of the meetings during the committee’s term and follow through on any assignments given.*
G. Any committee member who doesn’t meet the above requirements may be replaced at the discretion of the Chair.*
H. While there are no limits on the number of terms a committee member may serve, it is expected that the Chair will use appropriate judgement in appointing members each year to provide opportunities for new members to become involved while balancing the committee’s needs for historical perspective and expertise.*
The Chair, Vice Chair and all committee members are responsible for any travel or other incidental expenses incurred.
Deadline to apply is September 16, 2024