PUMC Endowment Fund Grant Application
As an applicant for a grant from the Endowment Committee, please review the Mission, Vision and Values Statements of PUMC. All approved grants must support these statements. The descriptions of the different Endowment funds offer an awareness as to the purpose of each fund.
Mission Statement of PUMC
The mission of Plainfield UMC is the mission of The United Methodist Church and the same mission Jesus gave his followers, "to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Vision Statement of PUMC
The vision of Plainfield UMC is to sene the children of Plainfield. This is how we want to serve the community with such impact that the love of God in Jesus Christ is revealed and noticed.
Values of PUMC
Accepting We accept others as an expression of the love of God. Creating Community This is the way we, at PUMC. experience healthy relationships together. Serving Meeting others "needs is an expression of care for Christ.
Descriptions of Endowment Funds
Missions Fund
Purpose of fund according to the Endowment Charter: Income from this account shall fund missionary support, work camps, special missionary projects locally and beyond, and other projects and missions which may be recommended by the Missions Committee from time to time.
Memorial Fund
Purpose of fund according to the Endowment Charter: This account will receive gifts to the Fund. which are not designated for a particular purpose or restricted in any way by the donor(s Income from this account will be used to fund the ministries or missions selected by the Endowment Committee.
Worship, Music, & Arts Fund
Purpose of fund according the Endowment Charter: Income from this account will be used to enhance the Worship experience of PUMC which may include enhancements provided through Music and the Arts. Use of funds may include, but is not limited to, musical instrument replacement or major repair, additional instruments, music leadership, choirs, special programs, and drama.
Pipe Organ Preservation and Use Donor Designated Fund
Purpose of fund according the Endowment Charter: The term "the organ" in this document refers to the existing Reynolds pipe organ or any pipe organ that replaces it at PUMC. It specifically does not refer to any replacement with an organ that is not primarilya pipeorgan. Permissible uses for the proceeds of this fund: Irregular maintenance and tuning in excess of what would reasonably be anticipated; major component replacements; enhancements, improvements, modernization, additions, etc.; expenses to make minor modifications to the building to improve the operation appearance or acoustics of the organ; expenses associated with organ recitals by outside performers, but not the salary of the church organist.
Children & Youth Fund
Purpose of fund as per the Endowment Charter: Income from this account will provide funds to increase participation by, and expand services for, youth in worship, education, and fellowship as well as support development of Christian youth in other ways recommended by the PUMC Church Council. Children's Council, or Youth Council. Youth are considered those persons age 23 and under.
Building and Grounds Fund
Purpose of fund according to the Endowment Charter: Income from this account will provide for capital improvements, major repairs, equipment, furnishing, and decorations for any properties owned by the church.