A number of years ago, I was tragically involved in the “clean up” of a suicide attempt by my best friend/roommate. It *wrecked* me emotionally.
I could barely eat. Showering and brushing my teeth took colossal effort, at times. I could not focus. My spirituality and health plummeted. There were days when the sun would shine, and I just couldn’t see it.
Months after the suicide attempt, my best friend (same woman), asked me to go out to a local bar restaurant to dance. I declined. I was tired.
A few hours after she left my home to go to the bar, I received a phone call that she was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance because she was unconscious.
On that freezing cold night I sped to the hospital in my pajamas and as I arrived, I saw what appeared as her “body” on a stretcher. I clenched her swollen hands and I screamed from the pain in my heart. I was terrified, inconsolable, hopeless and in agony.
She ended up surviving. Part of me though, died that night. The following months were filled with more pain and anxiety and what I now know was PTSD. I would have to frequently drive by the hospital where the incident took place and it took my body back to that night, I felt nausea, flashbacks and tremors, everytime.
I knew I had to do something.
I started seeing wellness practitioners, of all sorts of different modalities. I read “self help” books. I sought counsel.
I got better. Much better.
I could think clearly without forgetting the reason I walked into a room. I was able to enjoy food fully again. I had the motivation to go out into nature and fully appreciate the birds chirping once more. My countenance improved. People stopped commenting that “I wasn’t the same” anymore. My gut digestion issues disappeared, along with the resulting acne. My passion and lust for life returned. I felt charged and fully energized again.
Each practitioner that helped me had an approach that they specialized in. I took bits and pieces from all the practitioners that helped me, from all the books, courses, programs, seminars that contributed to my healing and created my own, simplified process.
I noted the two pillars of healing that were involved in my progress:
#1: RE-moving negative trapped emotions
#2: RE-wiring the subconscious mind
I took written and mental notes from all the different practitioners, books and mentors that help me. From those notes, I developed my own program:
“The Four Phases of Healing”:
#1: Forgiveness
#2: Emotional Release
#3: Purpose
#4: Vision
Today, I am happy to say I developed this program over the past few years and have helped countless women achieve freedom from enslavement to trapped negative emotions and self identity limitations
The women I work with report an ability to feel relaxed, present and a renewed physical and mental energy that allows them to prioritize their self care and *FULLY* enjoy the present moment, without guilt or anxiety