Tattoo Appointment Request Form
We are so happy you have decided to support our shop and allow us to create some artwork for you! Please fill out the form below, and we will get back to you regarding appointment availability as soon as possible!
* Cash payment is preferred; we do accept card just please note that our card reader has processing fees. Deposits are required for most appointments to schedule.*
Legal Name
First Name
Last Name
Preferred Name/Nickname
Birthdate (ID Required for ALL patrons.)
Are you atleast 16 years old?
Please Select
No - Sorry, must be 16+ to be tattooed
We will not tattoo any minors under 16. Anyone that is 16-18 must have a government issued ID, NOT SCHOOL ID. As well as a birth certificate/proof of guardianship and guardian physically present with ID.
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Do you have any notes about health or medical conditions that we should know about? Including but not limited to ANY blood disease, allergies, skin conditions, autoimmune disease, chronic illness, cancers, seizure disorders, etc.
Do you have an artist preference? (Can select multiple)
Rachel Clawson @rmc15627 (Booking 2024)
Anastasia Carrasco @acmtattoo
Ruben Carranza @ruben_too_bent
Moe Rosado @moeros_art
No preference/next available
Is this a tattoo coverup or going over scars?
Tell us about the tattoo you are interested in with as much detail about the tattoo as possible. The more detail given the quicker we can get you scheduled.
Share with us any reference photos! This can be ideas you like, inspiration, your current tattoos or anything else relating to the tattoo.
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
What coloring styles/options are you looking for?
Black & white
What is the placement of the tattoo?
Please take 1-2 photos of the area you are wanting to get a tattoo. Photos must be clear, well-lit and preferably taken by someone else to be the best view. Please censor if need be.
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
What approximate size did you want your tattoo? A rough estimate is okay! (in inches or centimeters)
What kind of budget do you have for the tattoo? (Can select multiple)
Up to $1000
I want a larger piece but would like options on breaking the appointments up.
What timeline are you looking to get tattooed? (Can select multiple)
ASAP (Within a week or two)
This month
When my artists' books reopen
What days are you available? (Can select multiple)
Weekdays during the day
Weekday evenings
Weekend during the day
Weekend evenings
Schedule changes often
Please elaborate any specifics regarding your schedule. (I.e. days you absolutely CANNOT come in or what times of day that always work best)
Please sign below to acknowledge that you have completed this to the best of your ability, as well as acknowledgement of all the information provided to you in this form.
Thank you for your completion! Click submit below to initiate the booking process. We will respond to you via EMAIL for the next stage of the booking process within the next 7 business days. Please check your email spam folder!
Should be Empty: