A separate narrative that addresses the following must be included in your proposal. Narratives must:
- Not exceed seven (7) one-sided pages
- Have a minimum of 1” margins
- Use Times New Roman with a minimum 12 point font size.
Applications that do not adhere to these requirements will not be considered for funding.
1. Activity Description
Provide a detailed description of the proposed activity to be funded that clearly specifies the location of the proposed activity and the clientele to be served by age, sex, race, or a different distinguishing demographic characteristic.
2. Activity Problem & Need Statement
Describe the community need to be addressed by the activity, including a description of the problem/need to be addressed by the activity and the manner by which the problem/need was identified.
3. Activity Goals
Describe in detail the anticipated goals of the proposed activity.
4. Activity Objectives, Outcomes, and Outputs
HUD has prescribed specific objectives and outcomes to be used for all CDBG-funded activities in order to standardize achievements at the local, state, and national-level. Please evaluate and describe your proposed activity according to the following definitions. Identify which objectives your activity will address, then identify the proposed outcome that your activity will achieve; please choose the best single objective and outcome. Bear in mind that, if funded, your information will be utilized in the preparation of the 2024 – 2025 Annual Plan and your accomplishments are required to be included in the quarterly and year-end progress reports and the City’s Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER).
A. Objectives
Suitable Living Environment - Includes activities that benefit communities, families, or individuals by addressing issues in their living environment such as public services, emergency essential services, capital improvements, neighborhood revitalization, etc.
Decent Affordable Housing - Includes the wide range of housing programs possible under HOME, CDBG or ESG where the purpose of the program is to meet individual family or community needs and not programs where housing is an element of a larger effort (such as would be captured above in Suitable Living Environment).
Creating Economic Opportunities - Includes activities related to economic development, commercial revitalization, or job creation.
B. Outcomes
Availability/Accessibility - Activities that make services, infrastructure, housing or shelter available or accessible to low-income people, including persons with disabilities. Accessibility includes making the affordable basics of daily living available and accessible to low-income people.
Affordability - Activities that provide affordability in a variety of ways in the lives of low-income people; includes the creation or maintenance of affordable housing, basic infrastructure, or services such as transportation or daycare.
Sustainability - Promoting Livable or Viable Communities. Projects where the activity or activities are aimed at improving communities or neighborhoods, helping to make them livable or viable by providing benefit to low-income people or by removing or eliminating slums or blighted areas, through multiple activities or services that sustain communities or neighborhoods.
5. Activity Justification
If the proposed activity has been funded in previous years, include an explanation of the reasons supporting why continued funding is required.
6. Self-Sufficiency
Describe how your organization plans to make this activity self-sufficient; include identification of alternate funding sources or the possibility of partnering with other community organizations. If there is no plan to make the activity self-sufficient, explain the reason. In addition, if the organization requesting the funding has been funded consistently in the past, explain how continued funding will fund new activities. The City will give priority to those projects that fund new or expanded activities or services, as opposed to ongoing administrative costs.
7. Organization Description
Provide a listing of agency personnel and their titles that will be involved in the proposed activity. Also, list all Board members for the organization (voting and ex-officio). Identify any potential conflicts of interest. Finally, describe your organization’s current ability and qualifications to carry out the proposed activity.
8. Contingency Plan
In the event CDBG funds are not granted for this proposed activity, in whole or in part, or other funds anticipated to fund this activity are not received, describe the actions to be taken by your organization.
9. Activity Budget
Using the attached forms, provide details on the anticipated budget for the proposed activity. Note that one of the budget forms applies to proposed “construction” activities, while the second budget page applies to proposed “program” activities.
Applicants should be aware that construction projects will likely require compliance with federal Davis-Bacon wage requirements and budget accordingly.