MCC Toronto Mask Mandate Survey
In June, MCC Toronto asked for your feedback on whether to continue a mask mandate at our weekly Services. Following that survey, we made the decision to keep a mask mandate in place for our weekly in-person Worship Services. Four months later, we’d like to hear from you again! We would be grateful if you might take a few minutes to complete this mask mandate survey so that we know your evolving views. Please note that this is a confidential survey and that we are not asking for your name or contact information. Results of the survey will be shared in next week’s Query. The deadline for responding is Wednesday, October 5.
Have you attended in-person Worship Services at MCC Toronto since March 2022?
Yes, I have attended an in-person Worship Service since March 2022
No, I have not attended an in-person Worship Service since March 2022
I exclusively watch MCC Toronto's live services on YouTube
Since you have not attended at least one in-person Worship Service since March 2022, might you let us know why? Please select all that are applicable to you.
I live out of the city and watch online
I just prefer to watch online when I can
I have fallen out of the habit of attending but hope to return to in-person Worship Services soon
I have children and am waiting for the Children’s Ministry to return
I'm still not comfortable with in person worship in light of COVID-19
How frequently do you watch MCC Toronto's live services on YouTube?
Are you wearing your mask anywhere else other than places that have a mandatory facemask policy?
If yes, and you would like to share your reasoning, please do so below:
Would you prefer that MCC Toronto:
Keep requiring masks
Make masks optional immediately
How might making masks optional impact your attendance in person at MCC Toronto?
It would make me less likely to attend
It would not change my likeliness to attend
It would make me more likely to attend
If masks were optional, I would:
Not attend
Attend and wear a mask
Attend and not wear a mask
MCC Toronto always appreciates your feedback! Is there anything additional you would like to share with us on this or other issues?
Should be Empty: