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30 Minutes
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60 Minutes
90 Minutes
Tension Headache
Tight neck muscle
Upper back muscle
Lower back muscle
Hip pain
Frozen shoulder
Tennis Elbow
Golger's Elbow
Carpal tunnel syndromes
Piriformis syndromes
trochanteric Bursitis
Hamstrings strain
Knee pain
Arm and hand
patellofemoral pain syndrome
calf muscle pain
Ankle pain
Achilles Tendinitis
*Therapist Only*
Tension Headache
Top of head
Entire head
base of skull
pain in ears
Ringing in ears
Usually begin gradually and often occur in the middle of the day
Headaches may last from minutes to several days
Pressure around the forehead or back of the head
Mild to moderate constant band-like pain tightness
Sleeping with the neck at an awkward position
Falling or sudden impact that pushes the head to the side, such as sports injuries
Turning the head side to side repeatedly during an activity, such as swimming the front crawl stroke
Neck Symptoms
pain when turning head
pain in side shoulder
pain deep in shoulder joint
Diagnosed Arthritis
pain with side to side movements
neck feel out of place
Muscle spasm in neck
Gliding/grating sound with neck movement
Can't raise arm above shoulder level
can't raise arm over head
Holding the neck in an abnormal position for a long period, such as cradling a phone between the neck and shoulder
Slouching with poor posture while viewing the computer monitor or looking downward at a mobile phone for prolonged periods (sometimes referred to as "text neck")
Upper back muscle
A "Pulling on abnormal "stretching" feeling when back muscles are used
pain comes and goes depending on the specific nature
pain is felt in the rhomboid, trapezius, infraspinatus, or latissimus Doris muscles.
Upper back and shoulders painful
lower back muscle
Usually as dull and aching rather than burning, stinging, or sharp.
Sometimes low back pain includes a sharp. stinging, tingling or numb sensation that moves down the thighs and into the low legs and feet, also called sciatica.
Pain that is worse after prolonged sitting.
pain up/down low back
pain across low back
low back pain is worse when coughing
low back pain is worse when lifting
lower back pain is worse when standing
Pain that feels better when changing positions.
Pain in the morning is due to stiffness caused by long periods of rest.
Pain in buttocks
pain in buttocks when standing
pain in buttocks when sitting
pain on side of hip
pain deep in hip joint
pain on sit bone
Diagnosed bursitis
Diagnosed arthritis
Frozen shoulder
Limited abduction outward rotation
pain deep in shoulder joint
pain down the upper outer side of the arm
can not brushing the hair and inability to do up a bra
pain when putting on the coat
pain reaching for the back pocket
Severe sharp catching pain at the front of the shoulder
night pain
Tennis Elbow
Pain is worse by stabilising or moving the wrist with force
pain is worse when shaking hands or squeezing objects
The pain slowly increasing around the outside of the elbow
Golfer's Elbow
Tingling and numbness can sometimes be experienced
Weakness, Stiffness, and a general restriction of elbow movement
Pain inside of the upper forearm and muscles from the elbow joint to the wrist.
Carpal Tunnel Syndromes
Decreased grip strength
weakness of the hand
These sensations more pronounced at night and can awaken from sleep
Initially feel numbness and tingling of the hand in the distribution of the median nerve
Pitiformis Syndromes
Worse by sitting, climbing stairs, or performing squats
Referring pain along the course of the sciatic nerve
pain deep in the buttocks
Trochanteric bursitis
Sharp pain
Swelling over the bursa
Tenderness over the bony prominence of the upper/outer thigh
Hamstrings Strain
little loss of function
Pain, some swelling, and stiffness in the back of the leg
Stretching of the muscles and tendons
Knee Pain
Worsening pain when jump, run, squat, or climb stairs
pain in the right knee
pain in the left knee
Swelling in the front of the knee or just below the kneecap
pain in both knees
Arms & Hands
Pain in upper arm
Pain in forearm
Pain in wrist
pain in Fingers
Sensation of pins & needles in arm
Sensation of pins & needles in fingers
fingers go to sleep
hands cold
Swollen joints in fingers
sore joints in fingers
Diafnosed arthritis
Loss of grip strength
Patellofemoral pain syndrome
Tight muscles
pain worsens when walking up or down hills or stairs
Swelling sometimes occurs activity
Tenderness along the inside border of the kneecap
pain in the knee joint, particularly at the front, around and under the patella
Calf muscle pain
Tender lumps beneath the skin
Aching or throbbing at night
A cramping pain that comes on with exercise
Ankle Pain
Joints that are tender to the touch
Joint swelling
Joint pain
Achilles tendinitis
Swelling or thickening, redness over the Achilles tendon
Tenderness on palpation
Pain and stiffness in the Achilles tender especially in the morning
Pain over a period of a week
An attack last between and 72 hours
Nausea, vomiting, cold hand & feet, and sensitivity to light and sound
Migraine headache aggravated by daily activities such as walking upstairs
The unilateral headaches typically change sides from one attack to the next
The pain usually is unilateral (on one side of the head)
Sometimes the pain is located in the forehead, around the eye, or at the back of the head
Agitation or irritability
Significant increase or decrease in appetite
loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities
crying spells
feeling and or blue
Gastrointestinal disturbances
Muscle tension
Sleep disturbances
Treatment Area
Rectus abdominis
Pectoralis minor
Pectoralis major
Dorsal interosseous Muscles
Plantar Interosseous Muscles
Lumbrical Muscle
Muscles of foot
Muscles of Leg
Achilles Tendon
Muscles of Hip
Gluteus Muscle
Rectus Femoris
Quadriceps Femoris
Quadratus femoris
Muscles of thigh
Erector Spine
Obliqus Abdominis
Quadratus Lumborum
Latissimus Dorsi
Flexor Carpi radials
Triceps Brachii
Biceps Brachii
Teres Major/ Minor
Levator Scapulae
Rhomboideus Major/Minor
Masticatory Muscles
Back Gastrocnemius
Back Hamstrings
Back Gluteal group
Back forearms
Back Latissimius Dorsi
Back Triceps Brachii
Back Deltoids
Back Trapezius
Front Gastrocnemius
Front Quadriceps
Front forearms
Front Abdominal Muscles
Front Biceps Brachii
Front pectoral Group
Front Deltoids
Front Trapezius
Epicranial aponeurosis
Orbicularis oculi
Orbicularis oris
Depressor anguil oris
Massage Technique
Dry needling
Myofascial releasing techniques
Articulations of joint
Trigger point therapy
Soft tissue release
Deep transverse friction
Cross fibre friction
Deep gliding fricition
Conduction (Heat packs)
Trigger point release techniques
Manual lymphatic drainage
Myofascial tension technique
Deep tissue massage techniques
topical applications
Stretching Techniques
Friction techniques
Gliding techniques
Passive soft tissue movement
Special Test - Orthopedic Exam
Please Select
Head & Neck Special Tests
shoulder Special tests
Trunk & Abdomen Special Tests
Hip & Pelvis Special Tests
Knee Special Tests
Ankle & Foot Special tests
HEAD & NECK Special Tests
Anterior Neck Flexors Strength Test
Anterolateral Neck Flexors Strength Test
Cervical Compression Test
Cervical Distraction
First Rib Mobility Test
Orbicularis Oculi Strength Test
Posterolateral Neck Flexors Strength Test
Sinus Transillumination Test
Spurling’s Test
Swallowing Test
Three- Knuckle Test
Upper Trapezius Strength Test
Vertebral Artery Test
HIP & PELVIS Special Tests
Ely’s Test
Faber Test
Gaenslen’s Test
Gluteus Maximus Strength Test
Hamstring Strength Test
Hip Adductor Length
Hip Quadrant Test
Iliopsoas Strength Test
Ober’s Test
Pace Abduction Test
Piriformis Length Test
Posterior SI Joint Provocation
SI Joint Gapping Test
SI Joint Motion/ Gillet’s Test
SI Joint Squish Test
Straight Leg Raise Test
Supine To Sit Test
Thomas Test
Trendelenburg’s Sign
SHOULDER Special Tests
Acromioclavicular Shear Test
Adhesive Capsulitis Abduction Test
Adson’s Test
Costoclavicular Syndrome Test
Drop Arm Test
Eden’s Test
Hawkin’s Kennedy Impingement
Infraspinatus Strength Test
Middle Trapezius Strength
Neer Impingement
Painful Arc Test
Pectoralis Major Length
Pectoralis Minor Length
Rhomboids Strength
Shoulder Adductors Length Test
Speed’s Test
Subscapularis Strength Test
Supraspinatus Strength Test
Travel’s Test
Upper Limb Tension 1
Upper Limb Tension 2
Upper Limb Tension 3
Upper Limb Tension 4
Wright’s Hyperabduction Test
Yergason’s Test
TRUNK & ABDOMEN Special Tests
Functional or Structural Scoliosis
Kemp’s Test
Kernig’s Test
Quadratus Lumborum Length Test
Rebound Tenderness Test
Scoliosis Short Leg Test
Scoliosis Small Hemipelvis Test
Slump Test
Valsalva’s Test
Vocal Fremitus Test
KNEE Special Tests
Apley’s Compression Test
Apley’s Distraction Test
Bragard’s Sign
Clarke’s Patellofemoral Grind Test
Coronary Ligamentous Stress Test
Gravity Drawer Test (aka Posterior Sign)
Helfet’s Test
Lachman’s Test
Major Effusion Test (aka Ballottable Patella)
Minor Effusion Test ( aka Brush Test)
McConnell’s Test
McMurray’s Test
Noble’s Test
Patellar Apprehension Test
Q ( Quadriceps ) Angle
True Tibia and Femur Length Test
Valgus Stress Test of the Knee
Varus Stress Test of the Knee
Waldron’s Test
ANKLE & FOOT Special Tests
Anterior Drawer Test (Ankle)
Babinski’s Test
Deltoid Ligamentous Stress Test (Passive Relaxed)
Functional Leg Length
Functional or Structural Pes Planus Test
Homan’s Sign
Morton’s Neuroma
Posterior Drawer Test ( Ankle)
Ramirez’s Test
Thompson’s Test (Achilles Tendon rupture)
Client's Feedback
Relieve migraine pain
Relax and soften injured, tied and overuesd
Reduce spasms and cramping
Lessen depression and anxiety
Increase joint flexiblity
Alleviate low - back pain and improve range of muscle
Muscle not as tight as before
Improve flexibility and muscle condition
Reduce pain and swelling
Joint mobility
Relaxation skin Nourishment
Pain reduction
Musle strengthening
Swelling reduction
Toxin Cleaning
Body Re-Blancing
Remove Stiffness
Claming of the peripheral Nerves
Blood Supply Stimulation
Recommendations : (if any)
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