NICOLLET Island - East Bank
Please let us know how you want to get involved with the Nicollet Island - East Bank Neighborhood Association (NIEBNA) as neighbors and business owners.
Would you like to...?
Join the newsletter mailing list.
Share my suggestions.
Volunteer – Bring MY ideas.
Volunteer - Dog Parade
Volunteer - Neighborhood Clean Up
Volunteer - National Night Out
Volunteer - Become a Building Ambassador.
Volunteer - Become a board member.
Get NIEBNA Postcard(s) sent to me.
How Many
If you would like multiple postcards sent to you to share with neighbors, put in your establishment, etc., we'd be happy to mail you some, otherwise, we are happy to send just one.
This is how I interact with the Nicollet Island - East Bank neighborhood.
I live here (own).
I live here (rent).
I own a business here.
I own a property here (but live elsewhere).
None of the above.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Business Name In the Neighborhood
Home or Business Address In the Neighborhood
Full Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Home or Business Address
Full Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
What makes you most interested in volunteering with NIEBNA?
How much time would you be able to commit to volunteering monthly?
What suggestions do you have for NIEBNA??
What are some issues you are most interesting in working if elected?
Beautification (trees, public art, parks, natural environment, graffiti removal, etc.)
Shared resources (exchanges, gardens, lending, etc.)
Person-to-person connections (clubs, get-togethers, events, etc.)
Adding amenities and services (stores, bike lanes, parks, etc.)
Safety (lighting, street safety, policing, neighborhood watch, etc.)
Education about area (history, zoning, candidates, developments, etc.)
Area Business Relations
Branding of the Area
NIEBNA Development (bylaws, organizational policies and procedures)
What's your vision for the neighborhood?
What can be improved or changed.
What skills and relevant experience do you have?
Professional experience, past work with a neighborhood association or nonprofit.
Is there anything else you want to add?
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