Lindfors Legal Scholarship Application
Finnish Applicants: Must be a Finnish citizen and have completed at least one year of studies at a law faculty in Finland or the EU and have either a) applied to and are awaiting acceptance to, b) have been accepted to, or c) are currently enrolled in a law school within the United States that is approved by the American Bar Association.
American Applicants: Must be a US citizen and have completed at least one year of studies at a law school in the U.S. and have either a) applied to and are awaiting acceptance to, b) have been accepted to, or c) are currently enrolled in the law faculty of a Finnish University.
Applications must be accompanied by two letters of recommendation on letterhead (at least one letter from a professor) and transcripts that include the names of the applicant and school(s).
Application packages exceeding 10 pages will be disqualified.