Alternative Format Request Form
Please use the form below to request a copy of a book in an alternative format for a student with a verified print disability.
If the University of Texas Press has the book in electronic format, a copy will be mailed to the requesting institution as a PDF.
If the University of Texas Press doesn't have an electronic copy, permission will be granted to scan the book. (Note: Complimentary copies of the book are not provided for this purpose.)
Student must be approved by the requesting institution to receive the book in an alternative format.
Book in alternative format must be made available free of charge solely to a student with documented print disability who needs electronic access to the book.
Student must purchase a copy of the book.
Student must agree that they will not edit, revise, or otherwise change the material in the electronic files.
Student must agree that they will not distribute the electronic files in any way.
At the end of the school term the student must return the electronic copy to the requesting institution.