211: New/Expanded Initiative Request
Date of request
Target date to launch/expand initiative
Requesting organization
Name/contact information of requestor
Requesting organization mission statement
Are you making this request on behalf of another organization? If yes, name of organization originating request
Description of proposed initiative
What would 211's role be in this initiative?
Resources required to expand/launch initiative
What 211 staff are needed for this initiative?
Will this initiative require a new position to be created at 211? If so, describe the scope of work for this position.
Is funding available for this initiative? If yes, provide amount.
Describe what training would be required, length of training, and who would provide the training.
Would 211 be expected to collect:
Personally identifiable information
HIPAA Information
Would 211 be able to access a partner's software platform to collect this information? Specify name of system.
Is there a data sharing agreement in place between UWCM and the partner organization(s)?
Please attach any supporting documentation for review.
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