ALL Performances and Studio Activities Disclosed To You Tonight As An Audience Member or Participant are considered CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION (which is ANY AND ALL non-public information).
ALL Rights, Titles, and License shall remain with ANNONY STUDIOS, INC., and our licensors and NOT with you the audience member or participant.
ANY Breach (sharing of information seen or heard here today via any means of disclosure), will be pursued, and ANNONY STUDIOS, INC. shall be entitled to ALL legal and equitable remedies afforded it by laws governed by the State of Georgia.
Further, you are agreeing to grant ANNONY STUDIOS, INC., its producers, and their representatives the right to reproduce, use, exhibit, display, broadcast, distribute, and create derivative works of ANY images and recordings (especially of yourself and your own likeness) in any media now known or later developed.
You Acknowledge that ANNONY STUDIOS, INC. owns all rights to the images and recordings and that You are NOT entitled to any compensation that may be obtained as a result of the use of said images or recordings, either now or in the future.