RUFF Adoption Application
Please fill this out so we can help you find the best fit for your home. Even if we do not have a pet that fits your needs now, we may in the future. We will keep this on file, so we can contact you when an ideal pet comes in.
What animal are you interested in adopting? (Species, name)
What type of personality/traits are you looking for in a pet? What energy level or other requirements do you have?
Your name
First & Last Name
Your Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Zip Code
Your Email
Your Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Phone Type
Please list any pets currently living in your home, and if they are vaccinated and altered.
What vet do you use or plan on using for your new pet?
Vet name, address & phone number
Veterinarian Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
When will you be ready to adopt this animal?
This weekend
Within a week
Within a month
Not ready yet, just researching
Is anyone in your home allergic to the animal you're planning to adopt?
Yes, but it is tolerable for them and they are OK with it.
Are you familiar with the breed?
If you answered no to the question above, please visit Google and do a bit of research so you can be prepared for your new family member!
You live in a:
Single Family Home
Do you rent or own this property?
Do you have a yard?
Yard, fenced with a vertical fence
Yard, fenced with invisible fencing
Yard, no fence
No yard (apartment/condo/townhome)
Where will the animal spend most of his/her time?
Outdoors but inside a fenced area with adequate housing, food and water.
Have you discussed this adoption with all members of your household?
Yes, adults have discussed. Kids don't know yet.
If applicable, will your children be taught how to play gently and kindly with this animal?
No children
Vet bills can be expensive. How do you plan on paying them? (IE: Pet health insurance)
Do you understand that all animals have to be spayed/neutered according to Alabama code?
Do you have any additional comments, questions or concerns?
By checking the box below, you understand the terms of this form and adoptee. You hereby agree that you will not use this animal in any sort of fighting, breeding, or cruelty. You will love and care for this animal for the rest of its life, and you are ready to commit to that. You also agree, that if for any circumstances you can no longer provide love and care for this animal, you will contact an admin of the group and explain your situation before taking the animal to a shelter.
I understand the above, and have tried to the best of my knowledge to make sure all information is correct.
Adopter's Signature
Signature date
Submit (thanks!)
Should be Empty: