Below is the enrollment contract. By signing below you are agreeing to the following...
Client is agreeing to enroll in Embody: Nervous System Attunement, Education and Somatic Practices mentoring program. The program includes the following:
a) Two (2), weekend intenstive group teaching and experiencing classes.Content will be offered live and in person at The Be Free Healing Center in Fort Collins, CO
Dates: Saturday Feb. 24th9am-5pm
Sunday Feb. 25th 12pm-5pm
Saturday March 30th 9am-5pm
Saturday March 31st 12pm-5pm
b) Private telegram group for connection and discussion for participants
c) optional purchase of 60min one on one sessions with Alexanda at additional charge, and optional purchase of Somatic Experiencing Chakras workbook for additional charge when it comes out.
a). I agree to cultivate non-judgmental awareness of myself and to consciously work with anything that surfaces within myself during the program using the tools provided.
b). I understand that what Alexandra is offering me is a coaching and education program, and that coaching is not, nor does it replace, medical treatment, therapy, counseling, or psychoanalysis.
c). I agree not to partake in gossip about Alexandra, The Program, or any participants therein.
d). I understand that Alexandra may terminate my participation in this program if: (1) I do not make the required deposit or payments as outlined above, (2) in her opinion, I am conducting myself in a manner which is disparaging or disruptive to myself, Alexandra, The Program, or the other participants (3) if I am in breech of any of the provisions within this Agreement. I understand that if my participation the in program is terminated as in any of the above I will not receive any of my payments back
e). Alexandra agrees to keep your personal information private and will ask for your consent before using information for any public or shared purpose.
f). You control your success. Alexandra promises to provide you with the best recipes for success, but it is up to you to use these recipes to maximize results. Nothing in this Agreement and nothing in her statements to you shall be construed as promises or guarantees of your results in the Program. It is up to each individual to be 100% responsible for their results.
g). If a problem arises from this agreement, we are confident we will successfully repair and mend the relationship between you, Alexandra, and the Program. However, if a dispute does arise from this Agreement, you agree to resolve the dispute by submitting to neutral binding arbitration, and agree not to seek court intervention as an alternative. Avoiding unnecessary court fees and costs ensures that we will have more time, energy and money to invest in your success.
h). I agree to ask for support when and if I need it. I know Alexandra has an open door policy and it is my responsibility to speak up and ask for extra support when and if I need it.
I). I agree to take 100% responsibility for myself and my results in this program.