Web Services client support request form
Do not include client secret information such as certificates, certificate passphrases, usernames, or passwords when submitting the request. If you need to provide any of this information, please indicate this in the description of the issue. We will contact you with instructions to send this information securely.
Client name
Client Code / Client ID (if known)
Submitter Name
Submitter Email
CC client contact email
Client contact phone number
Country Code
Area Code
Phone Number
Client contact phone number
Is this a request to change your current Web Services set up or an issue with your existing service?
Change to my current Web Services
An issue with my existing Web Services
Which service(s) does this support request apply to?
Real Time Imports (RTI)
Real Time Event Notification (RTEN)
Single Sign On (SSO)
Single Sign On with Open ID
Please complete the appropriate section(s) that pertain to your Web Services. Please provide as much detail as possible. Details would include what steps were taken that presented the error. What environment were you working in (CTT or Production), the date and time of the issue, the name and ID of the candidate or candidates affected?
Real Time Imports (RTI)
Please consider the following before escalating RTI connectivity issues.• Confirm that your "ws" certificate is valid; if expired, please include this information in your support request• Confirm that you are using the correct certificate and credentials for the environment• If you've checked the above and still experience connectivity issues, please attempt to connect via SOAP UI with your "ws" certificate and credentials; if this is successful, please review your system setup. If your system uses a proxy, be sure to include that in the SOAP UI test• Common gotchas: o If the certificate is a replacement, make sure to clear out old certificates with the same common name. Depending on the system, it might pick up the old certificateso Make sure that the certificate is being replaced in the correct location (ex: Local Machine vs. profile certificate stores in Windows)
External IP Address
Date and Time of RTI Request
Hour Minutes
AM/PM Option
Description of the issue/request
RTI Request (please include the SOAP Header and remove the password)
Response from RTI request provided by Pearson
Real Time Event Notification (RTEN)
Please provide a complete description of your RTEN issue. Details would include what steps were taken that presented the error. What environment were you working in (CTT or Production), the date and time of the issue, the name and ID of the candidate or candidates affected?
RTEN Issues
No Notifications Received
Notification in Error Status
Individual Notification not Received
RTEN subscription(s)
Candidate Name
Candidate ID
Registration ID, if applicable
Date and Time of Event
Hour Minutes
AM/PM Option
Description of the issue/request
Single Sign On
Please include the details at which point in the process where the SSO failed, if possible a screen shot of the error, candidate name, and candidate ID, and the SSO payload in the provided spaces below. IP address, date and time of request. Also include which environment were you working in (CTT or Production).
Candidate name
Candidate ID
External IP Address
Date and Time of the SSO request
Hour Minutes
AM/PM Option
Description of the issue/request
SSO payload
Single Sign On With Open ID
Single Sign On With Open ID
Candidate name
Candidate ID
External IP Address
Date and Time of the SSO request
Hour Minutes
AM/PM Option
Description of the issue/request
SSO payload
I have read and agree to the Terms of Service (https://home.pearsonvue.com/terms) and Privacy and Cookies Policy (https://home.pearsonvue.com/privacy) and consent to the collection, use, transfer, and disclosure of my personal data to Pearson VUE and its authorized third-party service providers that may be located in the U.S. or outside of the country where I am located.
I have read and agree to the above
Should be Empty: