Application for Pastoral Council 2024
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number: Day
Please enter a valid phone number.
Phone Number: Cell
Please enter a valid phone number.
Member of St. Columba Church since
Religious Affiliation
1. Please list your parish involvements or ministries
2. Please indicate other involvements within your community
3. What gifts do you feel you can bring to the Pastoral Council?
4. What pastoral issues or challenges do you see for St. Columba in the next year?
What about the next three to five years?
5. Why would you like to serve on the Pastoral Council?
6. Do you have any reservations about serving on the Council at this time?
7. Do you have any time limitation or other commitments to prevent you from serving?
8. Is there a specific area of Church Life you want the Parish Council to address?
9. Do you wish to add any other comments or concerns?
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