Joining a committee represents a unique opportunity for members to get involved - to make an impact on the professional and business climate, to network, to share information and best practices, and to gain visibility among peers, agencies, clients, and other professional organizations with similar interests.
All committees and leadership serve as a conduit to foster, grow, and protect the industry and members of ACEC/PA through initiatives and relationships with partners. Committees work in conjunction with the ACEC/PA Executive Director and at the discretion of the Board of Directors, following ACEC/PA bylaws.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM: If you are currently serving on an ACEC/PA committee, no action is needed. You will maintain your committee engagement.
If you are interested in serving as a new member on one or more of ACEC/PA's committees, you MUST sign up by checking the appropriate box(es) below and signing to confirm at the end of this form. Committee membership is reserved for individuals who are able to serve as active and engaged participants. If you determine to forgo committee involvement, please note all ACEC/PA committee documents are shared in the members only section of the website.